Finally! Author, it wasn't a waste to believe in you! Thank you! ❤️
"I still have two Earthsplit Scrolls—it's time to put them to use!"
Fantasy · Cancer_Reo
Just once I want to find a novel that actually delivers on it's initial premise of punishing whoever isekaid MC and returning to their world... I'm not trying to criticize, I haven't read this yet but it honestly seems cruel to readers who actually want to read that. Like fine, have character development. Just don't ignore the whole reason I read this in the first place lol it feels like a lie 😅
I hope Author has MC use the farmland scroll and the two other scrolls during the ceremony
I honestly don't remember what this is about (dropped a while ago) but if I left a comment it's because that's what I thought at that moment, you don't have to agree. Personally, reading about certain types of characters is really bad for my blood pressure. I get really angry reading about them lol
"I might have offended her a bit." Enzo scratched the side of his cheek but quickly brushed the matter away as he could finally focus on a more important matter.
Fantasy · Karme
Agreed! He should have maxed this skill from the very beginning
Skills: Quick Reflexes LV1 (Passive), Seafaring Balance LV1 (Passive), Beast Speech LVMAX, Animal Mimicry LVMAX, Friend of Animals LVMAX (Passive), Transcription LVMAX
Games · Radish balls
Yes! Thanks for following up so quickly, author! Now he just needs to remember the three siblings from the game because why else would he think they're familiar?
"Those two warehouses outside, they're full of the craftsmen you've captured, aren't they?"
Games · Radish balls
Why does he keep doing this? First, he ignored the siblings that sounded familiar and now he's ignoring a warehouse with suspicious sounds inside. I really hate when authors make their MCs temporarily dumb or forgetful just to progress the plot. Not only is it overdone and doesn't fit MCs character, it's immediately obvious to the reader that it's something important that'll come up later. Now, I have no problem with foreshadowing. But this is more like, "Everything MC ignores is important." Or maybe not. Some authors do this and then forget to include it later on, so we're just vaguely wary about something that DOESN'T actually matter after all lol
Passing by two large warehouses, Chen Lun faintly heard the sounds of clanking inside and pondered for a moment.
Games · Radish balls
He should at least max out Quick Reflexes! I feel like that would have helped a lot with his escape
As for the two passive skills of [Fisherman], Chen Lun did not plan to waste skill points on them because there were many more uses for skill points in the future.
Games · Radish balls
I think the translator said something about f*ta? Is it MC or her harem members? Depending on your answer I may choose to read this or not... I hate when Yuri makes MC like a clueless child or surprises them at the last minute, my MC are competent adults who have the ability to consent and know what they're getting into. From the reviews so far, if it's harem members and not MC who's f*ta then I'm not interested, in that case it just feels like author needs to have MC be sexually passive or sexually confused which for me is pretty dubcon... if, for example, she's completely aware of her harem members f*ta-ness beforehand and also NOT theoretically inexperienced (she knows what's going to happen and how and genuinely wants it to) but honestly I can't see that happening because, well, she's a tree lol
Great chapter! ❤️
I Reborn as a God Within a Statue, And You Ask Me to Enslave All Gods?
Fantasy · Cancer_Reo