In the heart of a bustling city, where neon lights and human ambitions collide, Angel, a spirited college student, stumbles upon a secret that defies reason. Min Hai, the enigmatic lead singer of the world-famous band “Stardust,” harbors a hidden identity—one that transcends superstardom.
But Min Hai is no ordinary pop star . His nights are a dance of primal instincts, and his days—a charade fame. When their paths intersect, Angel becomes the unwitting keeper of his secret, and their destinies entwine like stardust in the night sky.
In “ persuing my dreams ,” passion collides with the supernatural, and love becomes the ultimate rebellion. Will Angel and Min Hai’s love story be written in the constellations, or will it fade like a fleeting melody?
persuing my dream with support of my love
Teen · Nikita_Singh_3064