Definitely damn yaoi… I’m out
Cedric grinned, and Harry could see why all the girls got so flustered over him. Something in his gut flip-flopped. "Later, Harry."
Book&Literature · SmallReading
Please don’t make this a damn yaoi story.. For all thats holy just don’t…
Unbidden, Harry's mind flashed to blond hair and silver eyes. Heat rose in his cheeks. He understood that kind of complicated. "I'm sorry, Harry, but perhaps we can pick this conversation up another time? I'm afraid it's taken rather a lot out of me." Lupin set down the goblet, and Harry stood. The professor placed a tentative hand on Harry's shoulder. "I am always happy to talk to you about your parents. I'm sorry I didn't sooner, but I thought someone already had. I… well, I assumed you'd chosen to have nothing to do with me." He gave a small, self-deprecating shrug. "Since that's not the case… you used to call me Uncle Remus once, Harry. I'm not asking you to do so again, but… perhaps we could be friends?"
Book&Literature · SmallReading
I swear to god I hope not, if it is the author should have put that in the description so people who don’t like reading that crap don’t waste their time on the story
Malfoy flinched, then glared. "Just because I hate you, Potter, doesn't mean I want to see you get murdered." That made Harry grin, though he couldn't explain why. "I was just out for a walk. Feeling restless."
Book&Literature · SmallReading
Hermione never had brown skin
At long last, Harry's peace was broken by the arrival of the Weasleys and Hermione on the morning of August 31st. He found them outside of Fortescue's, ice creams in front of them while Harry wandered over from having just been in Flourish and Blotts again. Ron had even more freckles than usual, and Hermione's brown skin seemed to have darkened several shades. They beamed at him, Hermione grabbing him in a tight hug as soon as he was close enough. "We wondered where you were, mate!" Ron exclaimed, patting him on the back as Harry sat down. "We went to the Leaky Cauldron, but Tom said you'd already left."
Book&Literature · SmallReading
Wish I got some background information because all you’ve said is this mc is a reincarnated person and has gifts, then we are just thrown head first into the middle of the story with no context or explanation on wtf is goin on or any way to bridge the gaps you left in here. Like this is the first chapter and I’m already turned off to this fic because we can’t understand anything about it. You really need to put in the background info on how he died, what gifts he got while dead, if he was reborn as a baby or teen or something, what hes been doing since day one in this world, what he’s learned, the people he’s met and friends made, how he fits in this world, all the information along those lines you just ignored and it makes reading this impossible because no one can understand what’s happening and how this mc fits in this world at all and it just makes this a mess.
Wish it was longer chapters man
So I assume dropped
Yea ik lol
"It's not your fault," Elena assured him quickly. "Being a doppelganger doesn't define you. Trust me, I know."
TV · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
How does he know this when he has no personal memories of his past lifetime?
Okay no, that was a lie, I had many friend, but not all of them were super close. I'm used to being alone, if this is the best the matron can do then I'm not worried, not one bit.
Anime & Comics · Fictiontopia
I just dropped this right around the 20-30 chapter mark when Harry is fucking talking about how he is blushing and getting butterflies in the stomach from cidric or whatever his name is
Malfoy flinched, then glared. "Just because I hate you, Potter, doesn't mean I want to see you get murdered." That made Harry grin, though he couldn't explain why. "I was just out for a walk. Feeling restless."
Harry Potter: Raised by Wolves.
Book&Literature · SmallReading