You know, I may not like the guy, but if he was able to entertain three women while drunk like that, I gotta give him respect
Zhao noticed movement near where he lay, so he looked both ways and saw that he was not alone. Three women from the Water Tribe lay wrapped in sheets around him.
Anime & Comics · Sir_Traverse
39: Blind Bandit Gang.
Anime & Comics · Sir_Traverse
It’s almost as bad as the average family tree from Alabama
[Hyuga Hizashi: Oh my goodness, the hierarchy in this group is completely messed up!]
Anime & Comics · SparkyXD
Suffer with the rest of us
Could it be that Sarutobi wanted him to perform the technique for his personal enjoyment?
Anime & Comics · SparkyXD
tbf, most of the questionable decisions happened in his second term, so bu removing Danzo, thus likely indirectly saving Minato, it would not be a problem
Mazuru had long been annoyed by Central 46 even when he was just a Bleach fan, and traveling to this world, not killing this bunch of trashes in Central 46 was like traveling to Naruto world and not engaging in a wave of aggression against Danzo, which was really hard to pass on.
Anime & Comics · RroY
If anyone deserves it, it’s that PoS
Otherwise, he would be like a certain Shadow Hokage who had used Izanagi more than ten times, but because of his lack of strength, he would have to forcefully be knock out of all his resurrection coins, and his opponent, from head to toe was not injured in any way except for a little scratches and his own exhaustion of visual prowess.
Anime & Comics · RroY
Just leave the village and train under Tsunade
With a warm smile, Iruka continued, "Lord Third has decided to personally take you on as his disciple, based on your previous performance. How do you feel about that? Are you happy?"
Anime & Comics · SparkyXD
Cherry’s giving off Eldritch vibes
"HeheheHEheHEhe~!" Not-Momonosuke cackled at his body morphed and grew.
Anime & Comics · ScarletArboretum
Behind the blue-haired girl, a very blurry image appeared; it was a naked woman covered with wings. Wings on her temples, several wings on her back, wings on her waist, wings on her wrists and ankles.
Anime & Comics · Sir_Traverse
Nevermind I shall proceed to laugh and eat my boot
They had already done their duty here. Why would they continue to interact with a snooty guy who didn't last 'that long' and wasn't as 'good' as he bragged about? The women looked at each other, confirming that their mission was complete.
Avatar: Chaos Water
Anime & Comics · Sir_Traverse