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Anime & Comics · SupremeCookie
"Son, don't look at them. They are too lewd."
Anime & Comics · SupremeCookie
He dodged the attacks but when I saw a small opening, I immediately dashed through and kicked him in the nuts.
Anime & Comics · SupremeCookie
😂 I feel Like Big E
Anime & Comics · Uzumaki_Kushina_21
blessings do create curses
A cursed blessing.
Fantasy · illeannne
We need a second hitler.
Movies · BillNyeThePGGuy
beat down love
Ps : Who wants an almost equal sparring match... Or a beat down of Ichigo...
Anime & Comics · Seion
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With the care they showed towards me, people first thought I was his bastard child or something like that, he quickly negated but said that I would always have his royal family backing. Just like that my restaurant become even more crowded, and also including the fact that the restaurant doesn't discriminate no one and have accessible and delicious food. (AN: But not Danzo, or i should give some extra care in his food.)
Supreme Primordial God
Anime & Comics · Saintz