who's SJ?
AN: Ok. I know some are mad, no segs, wtf, and all that. To me, it feels excessive to add segs on the first date. Once again, no matter the girl MC is dating, you won't be getting any segs on any first date. The first one will be Max Black (2nd date). Then SJ (during the shooting days) and Lily (third date). So, have a little patience. You won't be disappointed.
TV · UnknownMaster
i think not, if it's OBA he will tell him to destroy everything instead of entertainment
He just laughed and replied, "My existence is beyond your understanding."
Movies · Virtuosso
i think it's more physical like Wolverine or Deadpool, as long there's a part of him left he can regenerate
Unless completely destroyed, his body will always regenerate.
is he going to work with every faction? including HYDRA?
ttfc, see you next week
Bell (Zero) learned from his mistakes. He no longer wanted to hurt innocents anymore for his amusement. He deeply regrets the deaths of the police officers caused by The Lizard, when he could have just saved them. There was no reason to let bystanders die to play or hype something up.
Anime & Comics · AFoxyScriptwriter
damn for someone whose smart keeping 12k of stat points is kinda dumb no?
Available Stats: 12,000
Fantasy · Pen_Drop
I like the interaction betweens the characters. I especially liked Bells growth from edgy guy to I want/can help my family and friends. keep it up author & some PS for ye
people like him won't go away no matter what we do lol also he read more books than me and his reading time only 2,5 hours lol he clearly never read those books and just being a bitch about it, trying to destroy any potential competitors and this "Oblivion" probably not even his main account. 1800-ish read books with 2,5 hours read time? really? and from what I see all of his comment is just hate not criticism just pure hate. i think he's just to try destroy any potential competitors or he was hurt by an author in this platform and decided that all he wants to do is spread his hate around to innocent authors who doesn't hurt him lol
Movies · Virtuosso