Drowzy_Pancakez - Profile


LV 4
2021-09-25 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 3

Moments 3


Is there a god that wizards pray to?

"Not only students from Gryffindor. Also from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. They said you acted that way because they made fun of your grandfather. God rest his soul," said Dumbledore.

Harry Potter: I'm James Potter.

Harry Potter: I'm James Potter.

Book&Literature · Nathe07


This comment doesn’t really make sense cause ninjas are walking mass of destruction

Umino Iruka stood there, flabbergasted. Was this the power of nothing? If kunai could surpass pistols in speed and power, ninjas might as well be walking weapons of mass destruction.

Naruto: I Quit

Naruto: I Quit

Anime & Comics · Kitty_Loves_Milk


Happy Birthday my guy!

It's my birthday. I thought about taking the day off to hang out with my friends, only to realize that I don't have any. So, I guess I'm writing a new chapter instead.

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Book&Literature · athass_prkr

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