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LV 4

Just a lazyboi exploring the wonders of the internet through fanfics....

2021-09-20 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 4

Moments 13626


I'm sure he'll come around, Great Sage.


To be honest, he didn't want to rely on [Great Sage] for most things

Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

Anime & Comics · AdamFlores



'Nah. Now that I know of this, I am sure it would be fine'

Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

Anime & Comics · AdamFlores


Such an elaborate way to cut your food.

Its usage on this dark monstrosity was effective. Adam basically used this skill to split the 'dark' Faunus into many pieces and dramatically weaken its influence and power in order to finally devour it completely

Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

Anime & Comics · AdamFlores


Sure, blame that 'Adam' for your chuuni tendencies, Adam...

The [Father of Humanity] template had never affected him much. Sure, it caused him to act chuuni sometimes, but that was the extent of its influence.

Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

Anime & Comics · AdamFlores


Always so dismissive of the mental stress. Even Gods need to sleep, you know?

Sleeping again didn't seem appealing. Sleep wasn't a necessity for the silver-haired boy in the first place, so it didn't matter

Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

Anime & Comics · AdamFlores


A shame that exact pursuit lead him to being blinded by love with a girl who would run away at a moment's notice.

He felt it too- a chilling emptiness that Adam tried to fill with his cause, but which only grew with each passing day.

Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

Anime & Comics · AdamFlores


She got the last laugh XD


"I suppose copying Yae Sakura's animal ears wasn't a smart move…"

Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

Anime & Comics · AdamFlores

Replied to AdamFlores

There isn’t really a need to make an elaborate scene, though, author-san. I was thinking more about how you could present it because I doubt a crime scene involving someone’s death with a knife sticking out of their throat would scream excitement. I like it more if you can connect the murders themselves to the murderer using symbolism. Think of it as an indirect way to show a bit of character exploration for a psychopath like Tyrian. For example, that draft of mine regarding Lionheart that you officially included in the story, particularly that last sequence where people found his corpse chopped up and put up on top of Haven in the shape of a cross. The mockery of religion, I believe, is a nice theme to use for Tyrian. You know, the idea of Adam having Great Sage reconstruct the murder scene isn’t exactly a bad one. I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the Batman Arkham games (minus that last installment), but when it comes to criminal cases, Batman enters a sort of detective mode by using one of his gadgets to scan for clues and reconstruct them on the spot. I always enjoy seeing it in action, so you could probably do the same thing with Adam and Great Sage. Plus, it gives the latter more usage since she hasn’t gotten much screen time lately. For reference, you can search for “BATMAN ARKHAM KNIGHT detective mode” on YT. Overall, I think this direction would lessen the burden on you, author-san. It’s crisp and concise without forcing you to brainstorm for unneeded details while still giving Adam the opportunity to ‘play’ detective to his heart's content. That said, why couldn’t he immediately storm towards the culprit when he’s likely capable of just that? Because Adam wanted to destress himself after what happened. I did mention before that I’d like to see more psychological exploration in your story, so this is one of those opportunities for it if we go with the idea that Adam didn’t come out unscathed after that night in Menagerie. Not to mention, it allows you to pace the narrative in Mistral without (hopefully) much rushing. Of course, the effect that made Adam a tad insane shouldn’t be a lasting thing, just long enough to see something interesting occur.


She sure got a good leash on him even after several years.

"Even me---?", Walter tried to say as a sneer, but Kilika reacted quickly and sidejabbed him with her elbow. 

A Gamer Into Trails

A Gamer Into Trails

Anime & Comics · Aht




"It looked like each punch Sherryl did hurt. But you still managed to fling her out of the fighting platform. Is she alright?", Princess Alfin said, looking beyond me toward the entrance of the room. The entrance was wide open, and I could see Sherryl now slouched over in Zin's embrace. Her muscles were almost behaving like jello at this point, which caused me to laugh.

A Gamer Into Trails

A Gamer Into Trails

Anime & Comics · Aht

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