wow I've never wanted to drop something as much as I want to now
With affinities I can go full mind blowing moves. Isn't that the dream? Better than Martin Luther king's dream I say!
Movies · MagusTheSupreme
ahh the good times
"Meowth! That's right!, " At the last, a creature that looked like a cat with a gold plate on its forehead spoke.
no boom boom the clown
I am in the same bloody neighborhood as Deku the wimp and BoomBoom boy. Freaking fantastic.
Anime & Comics · Alcoholic_Panda
(Terra)- "I am Terra. Terra Artemis of the Artemis Clan, one of the Great Clan's on the 201st floor of the tower. Who are you?". *
Others · Darkgames_cool
mom for the win!
That is what I have taught to my little Vegeta Jr"
Anime & Comics · Meralman
Have you ever heard of Mike Tyson the Iron Fist.
Chương này đã bị xóa
Movies · MrSleepyAsh98ij3g
Any body else think there brave enough to talk back against a omnipotent being that could erase from existence just by farting on you.
" No, Rob is your name now." The man stated, giving tiffany no room to object.
Anime & Comics · Thomas_Hodge
Time stone be overpowered
"So Mr Jack, what do you want to talk to me about," she asked me as she poured me a cup of tea, I on the other hand was stumped, how did she know my real name.
Anime & Comics · MynameJeff
And as soon as he said that something strange happened ripples started to appear and like a mirror he could see himself and he saw a seventeen year old version of himself from his second looking back at him, but was dressed in royal clothing with golden claw rings on both his hands and had a small golden crown on his head with a cruel look in his crimson blood red eyes. *
Others · Darkgames_cool
what about #Team Trees