"In war, Bharat is an absolute monarchy civilizational state founded on the pillars of 22 separate kingdoms run by 27 regiments of the military, commanded, supported, and monitored by the Kings of the empire."
History · Mithun_ReddyGaru
"In war, Bharat is an absolute monarchy civilizational state founded on the pillars of 22 separate kingdoms run by 27 regiments of the military, commanded, supported, and monitored by the Kings of the empire."
History · Mithun_ReddyGaru
Dumbledore the Dumb
Dumbledore next heard in a falsely pleasant voice from Sprout, "Don't get up, Headmaster Dumbledore. We'll see ourselves out. Toodles!"
Movies · Miguelho
That's when Sprout also leaned over the desk from her side to look over at Dumbledore. She calmly rested a hand on Flitwick's shoulder and gave her own vicious smile at the old man. "Actually, Filius Flitwick of the Wick Clan of the Goblin Nation is my named champion," she explained. "His heritage, therefore, becomes irrelevant - as you well know. Only my own is relevant.
Movies · Miguelho
same I feel the same too, sooo excited 😆😆
Looking up at Flitwick from where he was uncomfortably sprawled on the floor, Dumbledore was reminded of just why the little, normally placid, Charms master won seven straight International Dueling Championships. It wasn't his size or his knowledge, it was his heritage. Goblins, contrary to their small stature, were incredibly fast. It mattered not whether it was with their feet, their bladed weapons, or their wands - as normally in Flitwick's case. If a blade-bearing goblin got within ten to fifteen feet of you and that goblin was focused on killing you, your chances of survival were less than that of a stunned cow within the same distance of the maw of a dragon. The dragon, after all, might not be hungry.
Movies · Miguelho
Dumbledore was shocked into silence. His heart was hammering away in his chest and he realised he had just soiled himself.
Movies · Miguelho
That had Hermione shoot up off the desk to wrap him in a 'Hermi-hug'.
Movies · Miguelho
A/N:- I've noticed how a few of you guys wished to have experienced Orion's adventures while growing up, so I have decided to make a small side story Arc in the future. This arc will reveal some of the events revealed in this chapter. If you're interested in seeing me write this, please like the comment "YES" in the comment section underneath but if you think I shouldn't bother with this, then like the comment "NO". I'll make my final decision on this on the end of the month.
Fantasy · PhoenixAsh
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But!But! Dr. Doom, Dr. Victor Von Doom is coming 🤩🤩🤩🤩
Merchants like Anders Mikkelsen of Denmark and Dimitri Ivanov of Russia were no exception. They had all gotten themselves a copy of the novel and were excited to read it. But like any good franchise fan, the first thing you do when there is an iteration to the story you love is to re-read the previous story in order to increase the cohesion and continuity of the narrative. It's just like any Marvel fan in Vijay's previous life, who rewatched all the previous movies before the big Avengers movie—well, at least until *Iron Man* died, after which everything went to shit.
Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology
History · Mithun_ReddyGaru