it's the bond that matters not strength
[Shared Growth: You grow stronger as long as your Bond grows stronger. (Inherent skill of Crownless King. Works only on Bond (Major).)]
Fantasy · FailedWriter101
the latest chapter of one piece gives the real reason why shanks sacrificed his arm
That's the timer for the skill to forcefully revive him, Neo can't choose to do so cause, yk, he supposedly died along with his soul and everything
[Time Remaining: 11 hours, 59 minutes]
Fantasy · FailedWriter101
Damn, he lied to the readers
Lightning crackled all over her body as Yoruichi Shihōin stared down the rest of the Espada.
Anime & Comics · QuackVader
Hope to see you back some day author-san, stay healthy and keep up living your life to the fullest
This story has been a part of my life for years, and I hope you've enjoyed reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it. I don't know if or when it will continue, but I wish you all the best.
Anime & Comics · Paradox_
Good luck author-sannnnn
This marks the end of Part 1. I initially planned for two parts, but splitting it into three—one per era—feels more fitting. While Parts 2 and 3 will likely be shorter than Part 1 combined, the journey will hopefully get there. For now, I'll be taking an extended break. Yes, a "hiatus," as mentioned on Discord. After my finals, I'll post an update chapter around New Year's to clarify what's next, and I can't promise it will be very satisfactory. Otherwise, thank you all for reading!
Anime & Comics · Paradox_
same bro, I skipped all the filler arcs lol
Sách này đã bị xóa
Part 1?! damn...
One Piece doesn't have the best fathers *Cough* Dragon, Roger, Yassop *Cough*, and mothers usually get a terrible death (mothers of Ace, Robin, Sanji, Ussop, etc.) This chapter the end to Ares, who has chosen to have his son inherit his legacy in the form of the War-War Fruit. Leaving us with one final chapter to end Part 1 of the fanfic.
Anime & Comics · Paradox_
[174] Roots of Redemption
Anime & Comics · Paradox_
most likely, it is time
"If it's so desperate to ask for my help, its Loved One must be in huge danger."
Extra's Death: I Am the Son of Hades
Fantasy · FailedWriter101