yeah it was my fault i forgot to make it clear that Tifa’s glove just like in the final fantasy they buff her physical attacks
Đoạn này đã bị xóa
Video Games · AzizahPutri
OHH SHI.. you’re right lol i actually forget to delete the additional gacha points for survivor because i thought it was too op [img=faceslap]
Gacha Spins Available: 6
Video Games · AzizahPutri
good idea
The glowing Spin button lingered in the air, waiting for his command, but Aoyama dismissed it with a wave of his hand. "Not now," he muttered to himself. "Let's get through today first."
Anime & Comics · AzizahPutri
Yeah, you were right. I'm still trying to find inspiration. You might want to check it out after I revise it.
he was late just like the original
hahaha it's funny because the next chapter would reveal it [img=Relaxed][img=recommend]
makasih bg , tergantung keadaan sih paling lama jam 24.30 wita tiap hari
alhamdulillah blum [img=recommend]
The Monster Arrives
In Resident Evil with System
Video Games · AzizahPutri