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LV 4

Too much freedom is poison

2021-08-13 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 11

Moments 445


it's better like that, else the world would feel just like a game

(AN: yes IK that the perks aren't exactly how they should be but I made it so its more realistic since we're not in Fallout, plus its my story so boo hoo if you don't like it I did say overpowered MC)

In The Multiverse With a Fallout System

In The Multiverse With a Fallout System

Video Games · Scott47


now that's a different level of hating

Zach: 'Well that solves that. Now about the world I'm in I've only seen 2 episodes and and read fanfictions about the plot so I know the characters but I don't know the full time-line but I just need to kill one person if I encounter them and that would be "Koichi Shido." All I know about him is he's a very twisted man with bad motives. In this world filth like him does not need to be alive I'll make sure he has a painful death. But for now, let's choose the rest of my perks.'

In The Multiverse With a Fallout System

In The Multiverse With a Fallout System

Video Games · Scott47



Welcome to the Fallout System. From here you can buy & craft items with the system shop/workbench through your Pip-Boy 2000 Mark VI. You can upgrade your Pip-Boy over time to the 3000 model and further upgrading it to the Mark IV through the shop where you can buy other items for CAPS. To understand how CAPS work in the system you can buy stuff as Weapons, Meds/Food & Drinks, Ammo, Armor, Junk, and Mods. To get CAPS you can either get real money of any currency and convert it to CAPS or sell precious metals/items through the store. But you don't have to buy everything as you can craft your own items through the workshop feature on your Pip-Boy and when you want to craft something the system will show you what you will need. You can scavage and put these in your inventory as there is no weight limit, weight only matters when your carrying something on your body(example: If you wanted to carry 5 loaded mini-guns and be able to sprint you will need a perk for that). Now to what world you're in. You are in a world known as HighSchool of the Dead, an anime about the zombie apocalypse. you will able to travel to different worlds over time but you will need to be a certain level to go to another world. Each world is random and will be apocalypse-themed only. Quests will appear over time to earn XP you can earn XP by Crafting or killing enemies and finding landmarks. Thank you for reading Vault-Tecs guide to the future please enter the All Languages to learn this world language and good luck!

In The Multiverse With a Fallout System

In The Multiverse With a Fallout System

Video Games · Scott47


looks good in game, but irl it just seem goofy af, hope he can upgrade or customize the pip boy later on to something else

On top of it was a note and he opened it up and read it -Hello my child I'm what you humans call god but that's beside the point right now you must be wondering how you got to Japan and not in an American hospital well that's simple I transmigrated you soul to a clone of your body in this universe. here you have something you are familiar with a Pip-Boy 2000 Mark VI this will be your system and will be a part of you it will not break as it is indestructible and can be upgraded. That is all for now your Pip-Boy will explain where you are and functions I have given you a starter pack for this world good luck my child. After he finished reading it the note burned up and he picked up the Pip-Boy Strapped it to his left arm and switched it on and he hears it boot up. 

In The Multiverse With a Fallout System

In The Multiverse With a Fallout System

Video Games · Scott47


He should just go with a taijutsu/kenjutsu hit and run build, no need for jutsus that just look flashy and do no dmg when you are a civilian nin

To be honest, if it weren't for his invisibility ability, he might not have become a Genin. Yami's ninja talent is alarmingly low. It took him a long time to barely master the Three Body Technique, and his chakra was pitifully low, barely reaching the standard Genin level. Even now, his chakra could only handle a few Jutsu before being exhausted.

Naruto: Just a Background character

Naruto: Just a Background character

Anime & Comics · Calm_Storm


Super Senior Yami

"Yeah, he was famous in school because he repeated grades so many times." Normally, students graduate from the Ninja Academy at around ten years old, but Yami didn't graduate until he was thirteen.

Naruto: Just a Background character

Naruto: Just a Background character

Anime & Comics · Calm_Storm


He took the jonin graduation test against some uchiha jonin a few chapter back

Considering that he had just graduated three years early and had only been on two missions, Kizaru, who was not yet ten years old, was just a lowly Genin according to the village's official classification.

Become Kizaru in Naruto World

Become Kizaru in Naruto World

Anime & Comics · nyawdao3


Blackbeard contributed too

"Containment of the carnivorous vines is successful. Rewards are being distributed. Main contributors: Kuzan and Garp. Secondary contributor: Ace."

Marvel: I Started by Containing SCPs

Marvel: I Started by Containing SCPs

Anime & Comics · Zaelum


The world is tokyo ghoul I am random guessing

The guy wasn't even trying to defend himself and continued to stare at Nyarla while I carried her, with fierce eyes that wanted to devour her. I don't know if that means sexually or legit want to consume her body like cannibalism. Oh wait, I don't even think Nyarla is human, to begin with. So it might not be cannibalism?

Daily Life of A Caretaker

Daily Life of A Caretaker

Anime & Comics · ImBoredSoMehl



After finally meeting a great swordsman, Varen also wants to try one of Shinigami's basic abilities—Zanpakutō! That is, the beheading technique!

Into One Piece with Bleach Template System

Into One Piece with Bleach Template System

Anime & Comics · VoidRuler9


Words from an information broker I don't think so

Nodding, Number 24 briefly hesitated before informing him, "Your reservation has been successful. Please provide your address in the Dark World, and we'll dispatch them as swiftly as possible. As these involve biological contracts, transactions within Vision World are unfeasible. Rest assured, we maintain strict confidentiality. Your information is safe with us."

Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients Are Horrific

Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients Are Horrific

Book&Literature · Fish9527



Captain Lalanga looked at his prey with a frown, the expensive looking ship they chased, belonged to an exiled prince. And if he caught this little prince, then he might get a raise....

Fist Of Haki

Fist Of Haki

Anime & Comics · Passerby_Venne


How would he know ?

From Laboon's fateful encounter with the Rumbar Pirates to their agreement to reunite after circumnavigating the globe, nearly fifty years had passed, and Laboon still awaited their return.

One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames

One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames

Anime & Comics · NikaTheHonoredOne



Tashigi shouted loudly, her eyes closed under the dual effects of alcohol and the environment. "I want to reclaim all the famous swords stolen by evildoers! I won't let those revered blades collect dust!"

One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames

One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames

Anime & Comics · NikaTheHonoredOne

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