the only thing visible to them should be the burnt wound on her waist. if they somehow connected that and the precision necessary to burn blood from weapon, wall and omniman's arms without damaging them, then that seems to be a little overreach on their part. The bloodclot in the lungs should be completely gone by now so they wouldn't know of it's existance.
"He used his laser eyes. I'm sure he saved her life. The only problem is, the amount of precision needed to do this…it reminds me of the missing evidence from the previous Guardians." He declared. Donald raised an eyebrow.
Anime & Comics · SwayStar
this seems to be show amber. Her comic character was really different.
Unfortunately for Amber, Todd's words hit Mark right in the soul. His expression fell, which went unseen by the group. He couldn't help but glance at her with disdain. His attraction to her seemed to be disappearing.
Anime & Comics · SwayStar
he fought, then ate and now he needs to satisfy his other needs before he can repeat the cycle. our super friends should pray they last long enough for mark to be done with the last woman in the vicinity.
Mark groaned as he once again thrust into Cassandra who took his dick without making so much as a noise, as he did this Harley pressed herself up behind him and started running her tongue up his neck. That only made him thrust faster as he revelled in the feeling of Cassandra's extremely tight vagina; she also looked back at him with red-tinted cheeks and a blank stare which only stirred him on even further.
Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed
or nolan does....
J'onn looked down and saw that a fist had been impaled through his chest "Nolan, you should know better than anyone that such tactics would not work against me" he stated as he turned his head around only to be met with the body of Red Arrow who's arm had been forced into J'onn, his neck was floppy we it seemed his spine had been snapped.
Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed
what about the dog.
'Superboy, great now I just need one more and I have bingo' Mark thought to himself as he stood up.
Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed
plus with zuko and iroh branded as traitors, azula's accident would spell doom to the current royal lineage. ozai would simply run out of heirs unless he started on making new ones.
I lifted my head and looked into the eyes of Fire Lord Ozai, the strongest or one of the strongest firebenders. Now he was smiling and slightly bowing to me in gratitude for helping his daughter. Imagine that...
Anime & Comics · Vandalizer
if those ten were immune to hot or cold temperature by significant degree that is. being close to xing pretty much nullifies numerical advantage.
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On top of that heatbending is unique to xing. nobody expected it, so they are ill prepared to face it. Xing's main problem with losing body heat too fast with firebending is also more or less solved.
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yeah, pretty much the only reason he won.
Had his visor not been broken earlier the splatter would have blocked his view. But now he was only wearing his balaclava mask, already matted with blood, only showing his right eye, his popped left eye, and his bloody mouth and missing teeth, jaw hanging lose, mostly kept in place by the body glove.
Anime & Comics · keanu_eugene
wasn't it exclusive to allen only because he is an experiment?
"Ah, geez…It's a trait of our race. If we survive critical injuries, we grow strong enough to resist them. Our people were strong until the Viltrum Empire slaughtered us. We weren't given any time to adapt." He explained.
The Viltrumite Irregular
Anime & Comics · SwayStar