He learned that humans are but greedy creatures who only seek what their desires and don't care how they reach them, this man was given a second chance by a certain being and has been reincarnated into a different world into a parasite so he decided to never trust anyone.
Fantasy · TheCrow
"No I am not, I am a race called a parasite."
Fantasy · TheCrow
This gives ‘his name’s major major’ vibes
Captain (Bandit Lv8)
Fantasy · TheCrow
My dad once had his glasses in his hands and was asking my mom if she saw them anywhere
He wasn't very tall, a little over five-foot-eight, and skinny. His eyesight was absolute shit, a facet of himself he covered up via contact lenses. One time, he took the subway and lost his glasses. Never again, hence why he switched to contacts.
Anime & Comics · MrLarsBar
Thanks for the chapter
"Catch me and leave your friends and the henchman to die, save Joker's henchman and probably sacrifice your friends, either way don't ever get in my way again. This is my last warning, next time, I will kill you Barbara."
Anime & Comics · RJTWRITER
Idiot is giving him ideas
James smirked, "Should of knocked me out."
Anime & Comics · RJTWRITER
Fire any one wondering it’s equivalent in English would probably be ‘Tate’
Deathstroke was labeled as 'Slade' while the employer was a mere 'تيث ', which was not very helpful for James on the identity of their employer. After all, he could barely speak Arabic much less read it.
Anime & Comics · RJTWRITER
Monty Python?
"What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?"
Anime & Comics · RJTWRITER
Thanks for the chapter
DC: Rise Of Krios
Anime & Comics · RJTWRITER