The mother smiled as he looked at me.
Anime & Comics · Zero_Asthee
not the ball, it's the Force!! ..............Newton!!
|Hmmm, Interesting! You seem to have concentrated on all seven deadly sins! Although, you never killed someone physically or hurt them.|
Anime & Comics · Zero_Asthee
ohh yeah innocent!!
I was helpless, with this, an innocent normal Loner also a claim was killed on that wretched day, due to some kid.
Anime & Comics · Zero_Asthee
nahhh, Women!
However, the bar was a very good place to get information because who talks more than drunkards?
Anime & Comics · VQuintessence
and then he suddenly dies...
"What a day. What a week. It's about to be what a year, so let's make the best out of it." He murmured as he eyed his surroundings again.
Anime & Comics · VQuintessence
now he eats it and finds out it is ice-ice
'In such a world, I'd assume danger to be everywhere, and humans certainly stand above it all. Even though I don't want to give up on my ability to swim, I have to because the alternative may just be death.'
Anime & Comics · VQuintessence
nahhh, that's the effect of no sleep...
He noticed it clearly, the water color slowly becoming lighter, the passing birds, and the change in waves. They were all signs that made him certain he was close to land.
Anime & Comics · VQuintessence
can you give the science behind it?
Yovan has never been more thankful for Barometric pressure than now because it dropping was what kept him alive. It's what kept him from becoming a piece of meat for the starving.
Anime & Comics · VQuintessence
The waves were starting to rage, and the wings were starting to howl, but Yovan made the best out of the situation as he opened his mouth wide at the sky, drinking as much rainwater as possible.
Anime & Comics · VQuintessence
Na, I realized the real meaning of it now. It's because since underwater creatures like deep in the sea (which has extreme high pressure), their blood pressure is on par with the level of pressure inside the sea, hence when they come out the sea where Barometric pressure (air pressure) is very low as the case is, the pressure inside will try to come out of their bodies (since pressure travels from high to low like temperature) hence killing the creature in the process. Thus, after knowing the pressure above with their senses and instinct, those deep underground creatures tend to avoid the top.
Yovan has never been more thankful for Barometric pressure than now because it dropping was what kept him alive. It's what kept him from becoming a piece of meat for the starving.
One Piece: Limitlessness
Anime & Comics · VQuintessence