Webnovel Author: Support_Five - Fanfic Collection



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2021-07-15 đã tham gia Global

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Moments 23

Replied to Mrdelightfil

Okay. Take care.

"Hmmmm…," Makoto mused, his mind deep in contemplation. If the events unfolded as they did in the original story, Suzuka would likely have found refuge under Esdeath's protection by now. It presented an opportunity to accuse Esdeath of treason, but Makoto knew that timing was crucial. He needed to amass enough forces to overpower Esdeath in a decisive confrontation.

I have become the Child Emperor

I have become the Child Emperor

Anime & Comics · Support_Five

Replied to SujetoXVII


At present, no one was aware of my plan to delay Esdeath, not even General Budo or Prime Minister Shoi. I intended to maintain this secrecy for as long as possible. I was still contemplating a strategy that would prompt Esdeath to voluntarily secede from the Empire. By achieving this, I would have the freedom to openly label her as a traitor without tarnishing the Empire's image.

I have become the Child Emperor

I have become the Child Emperor

Anime & Comics · Support_Five

Replied to Alvin_Alvarez

Socko is a real person in the show, it was just a running gag that he wasn't being shown to the audience.

"I think Socko might know someone. I'll text him and find out," Spencer replied, handing me his phone. "I'll put your phone number here too, just in case he's busy tonight. He's probably out on a date or something."

I am the half brother of Meredith Grey

I am the half brother of Meredith Grey

TV · Support_Five

Replied to TrueFamine

In the latest iCarly remake it was explained that Spencer used to sell his Sperm to get money. So, during time, he is still a struggling artist.

You've got to give the man some credit; he sure wasn't intimidated by Izzie's career choice. As a lowly artist, Spencer knew how to aim high.

I am the half brother of Meredith Grey

I am the half brother of Meredith Grey

TV · Support_Five

Replied to oppaidaisuke_69


Makoto also knew the minister had likely conspired with the former Prime Minister for personal gain. However, executing all the ministers would set a dangerous precedent and breed fear among future officials. He desired genuine change for the Empire, one that would not label him a dictator. He aimed to establish fairness, justice, and trust, fostering loyalty and collaboration instead of fear and suspicion.

I have become the Child Emperor

I have become the Child Emperor

Anime & Comics · Support_Five

Replied to God_of_Perverts


"Yeah," I replied, slinging the guitar over my shoulder. "I think it could be a good conversation starter." It had been two days since I received my test results and Principal Franklin approved my placement in the 9th Grade. During those two days, I had been busy researching iCarly online, buying school supplies, practicing the guitar Lexie gave me, and brainstorming ways to get involved in the iCarly web series.

I am the half brother of Meredith Grey

I am the half brother of Meredith Grey

TV · Support_Five

Replied to Cosmic_Witcher


An hour later, Derek found himself in the parking lot of Mercy West, a well-known hospital in Seattle. Standing there, he spotted the person who seemed to be his hired private investigator, Debra Morgan.

I am the half brother of Meredith Grey

I am the half brother of Meredith Grey

TV · Support_Five


I had a little fun with this. Did you know Lucas' adopted parents were based on the popular medical drama show that ran from 1994 - 2009. This is Carol Hathaway and Doug Ross.


I don't know why, but I suddenly found myself engulfed in an inexplicable wave of sorrow, contrary to the joy one might expect from the present moment. It was as if the emotions that had lingered throughout the day had suddenly intensified, multiplying their strength. Memories of Lucas with his parents flooded my mind, replaying with vivid clarity. In that moment, it felt as if my body was no longer under my control, as if I could sense the ethereal presence of the old Lucas, guiding my every move as I played the piano.

I am the half brother of Meredith Grey

I am the half brother of Meredith Grey

TV · Support_Five


I had a little fun with this. Carol Hathaway and Doug Ross were based on the characters on the popular medical drama ER which ran for 1994 - 2009.


Meredith's younger brother is named Lucas Grey. He was adopted at birth by Doug Ross and Carol Hathaway in 1994. Both Doug and Carol worked in the medical field, with Doug being a pediatrician and Carol a nurse.

I am the half brother of Meredith Grey

I am the half brother of Meredith Grey

TV · Support_Five

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