Mariana_Bonotto - Profile



LV 10
2021-07-05 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 13

Moments 131


Not the kind of surprise Abi want

Abi was about to ask but she refrained since she thought that maybe the man might have wanted to surprise her. 

Hellbound With You

Hellbound With You

Fantasy · KazzenlX


You do a great job, that’s why we are anxious to read. Take care

A/N: sorry guys, i am so exhausted today so i only managed to finish 1 chapter. But dont worry, second chap will come but later today. Thank u for understanding. 



Fantasy · KazzenlX

Replied to Bjbarrachus

Probably , poor necklace 🙃

Gavriel had a serious look on his face as he continued watching Evie's expression, with her not aware of his observation of her. Her sudden strange attachment to the necklace they had only recently bought made him feel suspicious. But it was no use thinking about it right now. He will have to wait for Zolan's report before considering more on the matter. 



Fantasy · KazzenlX

Replied to K_Deck

Good point

"Let me check for a moment," he said as he put the necklace around his own neck. Gavriel thought that perhaps something is different with this particular necklace and that it reacts differently when worn. However, the stone remained black the whole time it was on Gavriel. "Does this mean this stone only works on you?" Gavriel asked, his expression filled with interest and at the same time wariness. Why would a gem from the forbidden land react differently on his wife alone? There was something definitely amiss here.



Fantasy · KazzenlX

Replied to Idhriel

I laughed out loud to this comment as well 🤣😂🤣

"Samuel you dunce." She yelled at him. "Trinity and Reece are going to have a baby as well." Lila was on her feet now and literally running over to me. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and squeezed me tight. "Trinity, oh you've made me so happy." She was nearly jumping with joy like Juniper had. She left me and ran to Reece next. "Reece, you finally did something right." She hugged him too. Grandfather was still trying to catch up with everything.

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Fantasy · Deni_Chance

Replied to ChickenMomma

I am also afraid of it. Please dear author, don’t let anything bad happen to them 😔

"You have no idea how dangerous it is out there right now, especially for you. If Edmond were to get his hands on you, there's no telling what he will do."

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Fantasy · Deni_Chance


How lovely 😍❤️

"I don't know." My mate said, staring at me proudly. "But you are the fire to my ice. My protector and partner." She looked so beautiful as she smiled at me with pride filling her heart.

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Fantasy · Deni_Chance


Did Trinitty indirectly help him get this power?

I looked down at my wolf's body to see it covered in flames. I must have caught fire when the vampire had. Why didn't they say something? Why didn't they attempt to put the flames out?

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Fantasy · Deni_Chance


I imagine how red Evie must have gotten hearing it. Or did they use the silent communication?

"Duke," Gavriel's sharp cold voice cut him off, "is the matter you're going to discuss with me more important than me finally deciding to sire an heir?"



Fantasy · KazzenlX

Replied to Nika_L

Exactly. The Duke can’t complain

The vampire had his back facing them as he spoke. He knew it would just be signing his own death warrant if he were to be facing forwards and accidentally sneaked a peek at the princess. "Just for your information Your Highness, Zolan and Levy had already stopped a few vampires from heading this way as well. But I don't think we'll be able to stop the stubborn Duke and his officials from coming here… this is a very public place, so he'll definitely get suspicious if we try to bar him from entering. Not to mention the possibility that someone could suddenly leap and see you two from above. This is the public gardens after all… Unless you don't mind –"



Fantasy · KazzenlX

Replied to Geckonotfrog

Haha, I am also laughing at his comments. Very good writing !

"Err… I didn't mean to disturb, Your Highness… but the duke and the other officials are on their way here. I don't think you'd be happy if they see… you and the princess… in… err… such a public…"



Fantasy · KazzenlX

Replied to Keiralee_Carn

Or be praised because the elder was a traitor, plotting against the Alpha, and maybe even against the previous Alpha

Replied to Miranda_Eagle

I fear the same. Now that Trinity knows he loves her, they deserve a good time together


I could feel their emotions Very good writing

"Then, when you were taken, just a little older than your mother was all those years before, I thought I was being punished for not protecting you enough. I thought the universe was telling me I had failed again. When I heard that you were gone, Trinity, I sobbed. I refused to stay home. They had tried insisting that I was too old to help them rescue you, but I would not stay behind. I was going to come along, I was going to help, even if it killed me." I had never heard this type of conviction coming from him before.

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Fantasy · Deni_Chance

Replied to Thebluekite

The head of hernew family, dear husband Gavriel

Back home, if one of them would ever have a nightmare, they were required to immediately confess everything that they saw to the head of the family, the dragon keeper. This was a rule of the house that must not be broken, and everyone could only take it seriously because they knew that their nightmares had a very high chance of coming true in reality. They must never hide it if they ever had a disturbing nightmare especially the ones related to upcoming disasters – be it natural or manmade. The reason was because there would still have the chance to do something to stop the disaster from happening. She remembered her mother telling her, there have been many times they were able to stop the nightmares from becoming reality in the past all thanks to everyone playing their part in reporting whenever someone had a bad bream.



Fantasy · KazzenlX

Replied to Deni_Chance

I would love that.

Each of those five symbols, and the altered pack crest, were connected by a chain of trinity symbols, interconnected at the tips of each subsequent symbol.

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Fantasy · Deni_Chance

Replied to Emmie81

Haha 😂🤣

Replied to LadyChef


Báo cáo người dùng