Webnovel Author: SliverLance - Novel Collection



male LV 4

Romance, Action and Fantasy Lover. I love watching anime. Creating my first novel. Computer Science student

2021-06-28 đã tham gia Egypt

Huy hiệu 6

Moments 519


Lol, i was going to say i got my flamey cuteness dose, and found myself commenting on this chapter before... forgot where I Left it last time... well, I'm back to continue reading from where i left...

By now, Flamey was already used to this, therefore, she just sighed. Splashy was still a little taken aback, however, with Flamey patting her back like a big sister, she wasn't much affected either.

Magic's Return: I Can See The Spirits

Magic's Return: I Can See The Spirits

Fantasy · SleepDeprivedSloth


that was the right response

Someone from behind loudly exclaimed, "You were a good scholar, but you got expelled from school. Now you've bought all these useless things. You don't even have enough money to lose!" Hearing this, Zhao Ce looked at the person and said calmly, "My affairs don't require your attention." The cart kept moving and gradually left the village. The remaining people continued to gossip and inquire about Zhao Ce's situation.

My Sweet Poor Wife

My Sweet Poor Wife

History · knittedturtle


dat was cute!

Su Caier dangled her small legs outside the cart and occasionally wiggled them. As they left the city, they could still hear many people who had just returned from watching the excitement at the county government discussing the master who had just appeared.

My Sweet Poor Wife

My Sweet Poor Wife

History · knittedturtle


i think you should use educated not learned

They also said that Zhao Ce was not at all honest, wanting others to work for him for free. Uncle Liu listened to his words and became pleased, turning the tables on Zhao Ce. "I won't ask you for the wages for two more days of work. You don't take care of your own land, so you can't blame me for this. You are a learned person, so you probably don't care about a little autumn tax." "I'm still busy in my field, so I won't invite you. " After finishing, he quickly finished his own food, rolled up his pants, and continued to work in the fields. Aunt Liu was a little embarrassed and said, "Zhao Ce, this...we also have a lot of work to do at home, so it's really not good for us to work for your family for free." Zhao Ce looked at Aunt Liu and couldn't help but laugh out of anger.

My Sweet Poor Wife

My Sweet Poor Wife

History · knittedturtle


what a good and considerate wife!

Afterward, she moved the book box to a corner and then turned to go into the kitchen to bring Zhao Ce a bowl of water. Zhao Ce wiped his face with the cloth and drank the cool liquid, feeling much more comfortable.

My Sweet Poor Wife

My Sweet Poor Wife

History · knittedturtle


you missed 'let' at the end.

Several women were suddenly excited. "Oh, she's really a little lame?" "Was it congenital or acquired?" "With her eyes like that, was her leg broken by someone?" "If her eyes can't be cured, can her legs be treated?" "Didn't you say before, Master Zhao, that you wouldn't marry a girl from a peasant family?" "If you become a big official in the future, will you have to remarry a young lady from a wealthy family in the city?" "This little troublemaker with different colored eyes, I think when you remarry, you shouldn't her stay in the village anymore."

My Sweet Poor Wife

My Sweet Poor Wife

History · knittedturtle



Zhao Ce thought about it and realized that it was not appropriate to leave his real name at this time. After thinking for a moment, he said, "I am Su Yunan from Su Village." "So you are Young Master Su," the shopkeeper said. "My surname is Zhao, and others call me Zhao Shopkeeper." "Would Young Master Su please give us an approximate time?" Zhao Ce then said what he had planned to say.

My Sweet Poor Wife

My Sweet Poor Wife

History · knittedturtle


you better be.cause she is precious!

Chopping firewood and selling it was not an easy task, and earning 10 wens was harder than it seemed. Su Caier's words were innocent, but Zhao Ce knew that she was serious. Listening to her shallow breathing next to him, Zhao Ce's heart was touched. He had never seen anyone as pitiful and lovely as her. Then he smiled to himself and silently thought, "Su Caier, I will be good to you in the future."

My Sweet Poor Wife

My Sweet Poor Wife

History · knittedturtle


cuteness overload!

After speaking, he saw the little girl's nose was still red, but she smiled and showed a few small white teeth. Su Caier smiled and murmured, "I...I'm the little housekeeper..."

My Sweet Poor Wife

My Sweet Poor Wife

History · knittedturtle


i forgot to ask, what about her leg?

He fed her, gave her a place to shelter from the wind and rain, didn't mind her legs, and helped her with her work. He even praised her eyes as beautiful.

My Sweet Poor Wife

My Sweet Poor Wife

History · knittedturtle


she is so adorable!

Su Caier held the money box tightly and nervously nodded her head. She seemed to have accepted a major task, her small face serious as she promised, "I will take good care of it!" She then followed Zhao Ce's instructions and put the money box in its place, before tucking the bed sheets in and patting them solemnly.

My Sweet Poor Wife

My Sweet Poor Wife

History · knittedturtle

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