That's the idea
Run after him and beat him to a pulp and if he doesn't apologize, end him. Award. Unlock mutant scans.>>
TV · Busy_Driver
I agree. I originally was going to do that idea. I had a concept and everything. But I didn’t like it so I scrapped it, and went with what I got
You think I should’ve gone with that idea?
Personal opinions are always welcomed
I went to grab it. But when I blinked the Prototype Watch changed to the Complete Watch, but black.
TV · Busy_Driver
He doesn't have three. Its just a aesthetic of the suit. Since you can see that watch, its when its not in use.
TV · Busy_Driver
If they out a magic damping device on Tony. Don't yy think they would do the same the kid
It actually doesn't. You can look it up. For some reason these fan fictions always get that wrong.
over and Gryffindor! Have! Won!"
The last mage of Krypton
Fantasy · dark_elf_God