
male LV 13

shutup and read a book.

2021-06-01 đã tham gia Global
Huy hiệu 11

Moments 30
6 months ago
Replied to Ironrooster36

Nah it's a butt whooping amount.

Zhao Tian smiled, he often plays the famous PvP shooting game and joins the tournaments, winning whooping amounts of money.

I alone am the Honoured One!

I alone am the Honoured One!

Eastern · Akkuzz_69

8 months ago
Replied to Forgettable_Author

is there an official English translation anywhere that you know of? all I can find is either you or some back water thief websites.

9 months ago

why why why why why why why why this matter that matter that matter that matter this matter their matter shut the f up speak other freaking words why why why every other paragraph has "that matter" at the end of it if freaking use another word literally anything else how did you write that and not cringe the first second and third time was okay everything after that was just agghhhhh STOP! PLEASE I'm only halfway through the chapter if I see one more "that matter" I am going to flip out more than I already am!

9 months ago

why is gold the upgraded version? gold and silver are quite similar in hardness as for steal is a masterpiece of several types of metals combined into a powerful enigma. silver steel? why weaken steel? you could go off of the mohs scale for gems, which would explain the "diamond" part but even than all of this seems kinda useless since with the stats being 27 times a normal humans his flesh is already several times harder than diamond. otherwise he couldn't be immune to bullets... perhaps you can change it to specify that it changes the properties of the material or body to be that of steel without harming the natural benefits of said material, which than the massive stats the MC has would apply to the ability making it an ability that grows with the mc even if he never upgrades it.

9 months ago
Replied to Daoist3LaNMk

oh, cool! thank you.

As a pessimist doomsayer maverick, Lu Ming had envisioned numerous types of global catastrophes, and a biohazard disaster was one of them.

I Stack Attributes in the Apocalypse

I Stack Attributes in the Apocalypse

Sci-fi · Cig, Coffee, And Tea

9 months ago
Replied to MadScythe

man your stories amazing, but you sound drunk. you alright there?

So, blood hunters don't necessarily possess blood-related abilities! In the movie "Blade," the main character is a vampire hunter. Although the title might suggest a vampire-like ability, Blade is human and doesn't possess vampire abilities. Similarly, the "Blood Hunter" tier might not grant blood-related powers but could specialize in hunting vampires, ghouls, or creatures that feed on blood.

Lord of the Time: I Can Reincarnate Infinitely

Lord of the Time: I Can Reincarnate Infinitely

Fantasy · MadScythe

10 months ago

bro... how many times you gonna say that? could have stated that blood hunters didn't necessarily mean they have blood related abilities. Similar to how in Tokyo ghoul, ghouls were just humans that ate flesh.

So, blood hunters don't necessarily possess blood-related abilities! In the movie "Blade," the main character is a vampire hunter. Although the title might suggest a vampire-like ability, Blade is human and doesn't possess vampire abilities. Similarly, the "Blood Hunter" tier might not grant blood-related powers but could specialize in hunting vampires, ghouls, or creatures that feed on blood.

Lord of the Time: I Can Reincarnate Infinitely

Lord of the Time: I Can Reincarnate Infinitely

Fantasy · MadScythe

10 months ago

There were times while reading this that I could tell the author was just done with it all... Yet by the end of the day here we are, one thousand three hundred and forty chapters in. This novel has given me a whole new look on novels videogames and has even affected how I view the world. Why hate others when they are who brought the pieces of the puzzle called you? does not mean I forgive those who wrong me, but that I can move on. Author... if you read this, thank you. I hope my appreciation becomes one of your soul records, just as your effort has become part of mine. I got a feeling that the story of Bai Zemin isn't over yet... I just wish you show us where it ends.

10 months ago
Replied to shutup_readabook

is my fingers that fat or an I just super tired cause its's 2:30 am... probably the tired part... I hope