"How can you be worthy?" it growled, limping closer into the light. "You're all a bunch of killers."
Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
a realidade é foda as vezes
Money: 2,500
Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
"We will not allow you two to interfere with the ritual, this world is broken and needs to return to its true form." One of the cultists with blonde hair tied in a ponytail and a blindfold said as she pulled out a blade, coating it with cursed energy.
Anime & Comics · HeliosTheDepressed
nah I'd run
Rather than comparing myself to the unreachable mountain Satoru Gojo or Naohiro, I set my sights on the fastest sorcerer alive.
Anime & Comics · JaxWolf4
É pra já patrão
"You should kill yourself."
Fantasy · Warmaisach
This time however, the iron clad will remained, my unshakeable resolve remained but the emotions I felt were tightly clamped down upon. I let them wash over me and remained stubborn. My focus became razor sharp. The energy inside me changed. It went steely, cold and hard. I moved my left hand to the side in a slow dance. Sparks started appearing above the two fingers. Blue and so bright, it was hard to look. The skin on my appendages felt tingly. I leaned heavily on my left leg as the dance transitioned to the right hand, the sparks increasing in intensity and power. Then I stepped forward, and brought my two palms to meet in the middle, each of the two fingers extended and with electric energy dancing at their points. The energy combined and I pointed my hands out.
TV · Saintbarbido
"How frightening..." I said, looking at them like they were ants.
Anime & Comics · VeganMaster
kskskkskdkdk do nada um mentiroso no chat me pegou pqp
Still, two were enough for him, and he didn't need more (hopefully).
Anime & Comics · akikan40
Uncle Roger vibes
"Young people these days." Metal groaned as he settled back on his refrigerator. "All talk, no spine. At least your mother makes good tea."
My Hero Academia: Izuku Reloaded
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels