Einar_Storm - Profile


LV 14
2021-05-16 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 13

Moments 33



Gravis quickly found what he was looking for, raised his saber to the tiger's skin like a razor, and ran it along its underside… right through the middle between its hind legs. The genitals were not protected, and he severed them easily. Gravis didn't remain and left the tiger's underside.

Lightning Is the Only Way

Lightning Is the Only Way

Eastern · Warmaisach



He was trying to find a polite way to say "hot". Lith could still remember Elina's naked body when he was an infant, and she had aged very well.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20



"You know, you look pretty tasty~ Much tastier than those other boys and you smell better too~. Shall you give this older sister the time of her life~?" An alluring yet unfamiliar voice sounded next to Apollo's ear.

The Demon Monarch System

The Demon Monarch System

Fantasy · Syphiinz

Replied to SinOfsussy

well my guess is his strength is close to the ball park of 5k and his agility maybe 4.5k this is just quick math i did in my head based on the latest status update we got. tho i think im lowballing it quite hard

At the same time, Apollo's mind was two steps against his battle with Asteroth, 'From Asteroth we'll attack Amduscias.' Only then could he take the next major step in his journey.

The Demon Monarch System

The Demon Monarch System

Fantasy · Syphiinz

Replied to SinOfsussy

i mean syph usually puts stats in from time to time. but thats because it take quite abit of space

At the same time, Apollo's mind was two steps against his battle with Asteroth, 'From Asteroth we'll attack Amduscias.' Only then could he take the next major step in his journey.

The Demon Monarch System

The Demon Monarch System

Fantasy · Syphiinz


Apollo using Skyrim fast travel be like


〈System: Because your Supreme Demon Body has been unlocked, and the stigmata purified, the Greater Demon state is complete. However, you must visit the other Rings before you can become an Archdemon.〉

The Demon Monarch System

The Demon Monarch System

Fantasy · Syphiinz



'Wrath is a sin of unimaginable power. Above all, it can consume you, however, strength is drawn when one harnesses it. To withstand wrath is to understand one's self. When one realizes their sin, the Hellfire shall cleanse the body and give birth to the first stigmata; the Infernal Ira Seal...'

The Demon Monarch System

The Demon Monarch System

Fantasy · Syphiinz



"Precisely. And you should never reveal that they are in your possession. Especially to the Royal Faction or Lords that I've been made privy about, thanks to your friend. Most of these items can potentially release the limiters of a Noblesse. Creating more Daemos. But, why would you do so if you can't control them yet?" Fuhrer answered truthfully.

The Demon Monarch System

The Demon Monarch System

Fantasy · Syphiinz


will this be a thing with each archdemon and above. or more like a achievement bonus of unlocking your first demon at this evolution

〈System: As a result of acquiring your first Archdemon, the system has permanently transferred a portion of their strength to you. [Transfer Volume: <10%].〉

The Demon Monarch System

The Demon Monarch System

Fantasy · Syphiinz


apollo showing off his new toy


"So you mean to say, she can still be melded to one's liking?" Apollo questioned with an interested gleam in his eyes. The way he looked at Sapphyr was akin to a toddler receiving a shiny new toy.

The Demon Monarch System

The Demon Monarch System

Fantasy · Syphiinz


I'm curious if each evolution Increases the number value 3 fold.

If 1 point in Strength was equal to 5kg of strength prior to his evolution, the current factor was 15. In other words, a simple transformation resulted in an immense upgrade. However, that wasn't the end. His Supreme Demon Body, which held more than one effect now that all 7 Stigmata were engraved on his body, caused another unforeseen change.

The Demon Monarch System

The Demon Monarch System

Fantasy · Syphiinz

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