

LV 12
2021-05-17 đã tham gia Global
Huy hiệu 6

Moments 13
1 years ago
Replied to Hitler_kun

username checks out

1 years ago

Adelaide, the drink of musicians 🍻

“In the year 426 of Saint Calendar, the Cardinal Adelaide enhanced the method for papermaking. Since then, the paper price continued declining. Now you can buy a dozen newspapers with just a couple of Fells. But only members of our association can buy Music Criticism with 10 Fells. Others, including nobles, have to pay a silver Nar.”

Throne of Magical Arcana

Throne of Magical Arcana

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

1 years ago
Replied to Logician

was about to say that same thing

Joel sighed slightly. “No one can make a living with only doing labor all the time. You know it. I’ve seen a few old labor guys with no saving and no children to rely on in their last days. All of them died in their fifties or even forties.”

Throne of Magical Arcana

Throne of Magical Arcana

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

1 years ago

So many grammer errors it takes away from the story, feels like it's being told from the perspective of a 12 year old. Racist World Will gives the mc overpowered abilities from the start completely skipping the weak phase, the reason being they "discovered a path to power" which is magic, then shows goblins using magic the next chapter. If you've read any type of scientific magic setting before you won't find any new ideas here. If you haven't I recommend reading this then reading something like The Wizard World to see how this setting can be done well.

1 years ago

Glad to see the voting is working now. I'm very excited to keep reading. A bit of a selfish request here but I really hope you play into the incomprehensible horror element when the mc starts exploring the dreamscape. You've got serious talent and a great idea so far Mr.Cyan

1 years ago
Replied to DarkCyan

I'll be keeping an eye on it, please keep writing, you're good at it.

1 years ago

I tried to vote but was told this novel doesn't support voting.

1 years ago

Love the series so far, I really hope you play into the hard to comprehend horror aspect once he starts exploring the dreamscape, I think you could do it really well 👍👍👍

1 years ago

I'm loving the story so far, I like the potential and the slow build up, I'll be here for future releases for sure, you got my votes. One thing I'll say is that it takes at least a week of physical training to notice even a slight improvement in physical ability, make sure he doesn't grow too fast without giving a reason, I love how much research you've done on the topics present so far like how the AI talks and his interaction with the shopkeeper. Keep putting effort into those little details it's awesome and really sells the story.

1 years ago

Yeah just showed up because of basically chance, but you have a great storytelling method of writing, the pacing is good and to the point with a little extra so it's not too to the point. You remind me of my favorite author GET_LOST, I checked and was genuinely disappointed you have less than twenty chapters so far. Also be proud this is my first comment.