Webnovel Author: Justlucky - Fanfic&Novel Collection



LV 2
2021-04-19 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 3

Moments 39

Replied to Mrtn22

I made a mistake while looking for new words, and then made a mistake again by inserting the uncorrected version a second time. Thanks for your help in finding it.

Replied to EphemeralKaos




- Hello, - in the empty space in front of Shichika there was a woman with burgundy hair braided in two buns at the back of her head. Two demonic wings protruded from her back, and a red stone glowed between her massive breasts. She was 1.76m tall and wore black plate armor.

Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

Anime & Comics · Justlucky

Replied to EphemeralKaos

My mistake. Everything should be correct now.

Replied to EphemeralKaos

Thank you, such comments are much more valuable than many people think. English is not my native language, and the lessons I received was not the best, to put it mildly. Over time, the situation has improved, but it cannot be called good. Such moments are also connected with the fact that in my language some phrases make sense. I will try to fix it in future.

Replied to Pingui0510

You're right. I missed a couple of words while writing. Thanks to you, It`s fixed now.



- I'm Lyd, a lizardman warrior, the gargoyle's name is Gros, the arachne is Ranye, and the siren you saved is Ray, we're also very pleased to meet you.If you don't mind, as an apology for our behavior, we would like to invite you to dinner. I will introduce the rest in our camp.

Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

Anime & Comics · Justlucky



- Is it just me or does he see us? - the gargoyle, consisting of an ashen-colored stone, whispered to the red lizardman.

Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

Anime & Comics · Justlucky



The monster girl had golden feathers with blue tips, currently covered in blood. Her clothing consisted of two strips of fabric covering her chest, similar to amazoness clothing. The lower part of the body was covered with blue feathers arranged in the form of a skirt.

Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

Anime & Comics · Justlucky



After a good dinner at the Hostess of Fertility, which cost the teenager a staggering sum of 2,300 valis, he decided to take a walk around the area. Soon his trips to the dungeon will resume. Therefore, on the long-standing advice of his goddess, he went in search of entertainment. However, they found it themselves. In one of the dark passages a figure appeared completely covered with a black robe; his hands were wearing large gloves with claws.

Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

Anime & Comics · Justlucky



As agreed, Loki and Shichika came to the Pantheon by invitation. Right now they were walking along a long dark corridor decorated with incomprehensible writing. They were sent here by the manager of the Guild headquarters, Royman Mardeel, an extremely old elf of short stature. For his love of money, disgusting character and unpleasant appearance, he was nicknamed the guild pig by other elves.

Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

Anime & Comics · Justlucky



A little later, both approached a vertical door, which began to open as soon as they approached. Beyond the passage was a large hall all over the surface of which all the same symbols were carved. Lit only by a few torches, in the center of the room stood a large throne on which sat an elderly man with gray hair. A little over 2 meters tall, his head was covered with a hood, and his body was hidden under a black robe; a mask hung around his neck, capable of hiding the lower half of his face.

Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

Anime & Comics · Justlucky



The time for Goliath to appear has arrived. Once every two weeks, this seven-meter monster is born in the same place. Gray skin and black hair, the floor boss had a humanoid body with no sexual characteristics. Level 4 was assigned to him for his durable skin and unimaginable strength; moreover, the giant's speed was extremely high for his size.

Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

Anime & Comics · Justlucky



- Yeah? - none of those present could remember that anyone had personally seen the boy in the dungeon. At that moment he was walking towards one of the counters, behind it stood a red-haired werewolf.

Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

Anime & Comics · Justlucky



A couple of 13-year-old teenagers stood before the goddess in bow. A beautiful and smiling black-haired cat girl and an unremarkable guy wearing the same hair color. Both bowed towards the main crowd of people.

Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

Anime & Comics · Justlucky



A couple of 13-year-old teenagers stood before the goddess in bow. A beautiful and smiling black-haired cat girl and an unremarkable guy wearing the same hair color. Both bowed towards the main crowd of people.

Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

Anime & Comics · Justlucky

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