"Why don't we just rip out his tongue?" Loki offers his invaluable advice. "If talking is the activation for his ability, then simply make him a mute."
Movies · AlienWarlord
Meh, Naivety is a matter of perspective
Even if someone was being a dick, I would always surround myself with friends and family, so they would step in and defend me. It was numbers against numbers, so I never really needed to fight anyone, we all had eachothers backs.
Anime & Comics · Zack_Smith_9438
Don’ they have souls though?t
Transformers? What is that?
Video Games · thelightedghost
Very true
Sách này đã bị xóa
Don’t trust hammer tech, unless you steal it for yourself
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I like this story already
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"Who the f*ck is Kilgrave?!"
Movies · AlienWarlord
Oh absolutely, he could have handled the situation a lot better
"You know, I actually agree with your action in killing the Frost Giant King. It's just the way you went about it that was too idiotic." Peter says offhandedly.
Movies · AlienWarlord
An Enjoyable story, at least for me. The grammar is a lot better than what I expected it to be, and there is a lot of twists and turns I didn't expect...for those of you whom hate Overpowered characters this might not be for you, but there is more to the story than the mc's power.
An Unlikely Combination [Marvel/ Dc/ Dragon Ball]
Anime & Comics · ElliotJackson2