They got along a little well, but he wouldn't tell Tom his secrets either, no matter how simple they were. He didn't fully trust him.
TV · Nathe07
Reminds me of my goat
But remember this - I am the Dragon, the King of Vampires, the one who makes devils cower. Love?" His laugh was sharp enough to cut. "Love is merely another tool in a perfect arsenal."
TV · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
"I will never allow it." Hector resuscitates while gnashing his teeth "What kind of scum has a harem anyway??"
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
You gotta introduce baby in the future 😭🙏 have him store it in the trunk. Warded off,of course
Powers the First Blade: Now this is the most important part and also what makes the Mark extremely dangerous. The person who has it can quite literally kill anything in creation when wielding the first blade in conjunction with the Mark of Cain. Do you guys want me to give him the First Blade or nah?
TV · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
The Birth of The Demon
TV · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
Asami, his ex that he kept fumbling just for both his ex to turn lesbian 😭
Mako remained fearless. He fell into a stance and spread out his legs to a steady position. I took calm steps towards him, closing the distance between us to only 20 meters apart. I read his form, falling into a classic Firebending position as well. He seemed to be in his twenties, telling me I was dealing with Mako at his peak. I couldn't half ass this. A small breeze blew between us and the fight started.
TV · Saintbarbido
The word "Father" seemed to break something within Klaus, who had never thought in his life that he would hear that word so heartfelt and emotively directed at anyone, let alone himself. He pulled Henrik into a fierce embrace, gripping him as if afraid to let go, not knowing how this was possible but eternally grateful for it nonetheless. For a moment, the mighty Hybrid wasn't the ruthless, fearsome creature of legend in the supernatural world but a man—a father—holding his son for the first time.
TV · Bobainox
congratulations Ed, you've turned your grandson into a f*ck boy 😭
"Are you okay?" asked a beautiful blonde girl with green eyes. The girl was completely naked, as was Luke, who wiped his nose with a handkerchief that came floating towards him.
Wednesday: The Strongest Psychic
TV · Nathe07