Webnovel Author: BestNero - Fanfic Collection



male LV 14

If you see me, shoot an umu my way.

2021-04-12 đã tham gia United States

Huy hiệu 13

Moments 3094



"Mapo tofu?" She asked, but for some reason, her instincts were screaming at her to run away. 'Strange, there are no foreign ingredients either, so why?'

Curse of Gacha - A Melancholic Life of a Gamble Addict

Curse of Gacha - A Melancholic Life of a Gamble Addict

Anime & Comics · Heartless1190

Replied to Overlord378



"Sorry, my father suffered a terrible stomachache and he is still recovering from it. So I am here to substitute for him." Touma said with a smile as if he wasn't the cause of it.

Curse of Gacha - A Melancholic Life of a Gamble Addict

Curse of Gacha - A Melancholic Life of a Gamble Addict

Anime & Comics · Heartless1190

Replied to Geraint124x

Replied to Amus_Sama

Replied to Raphiel_

You are. I never get a five star until pity. I'm super unlucky.

Replied to Lasyandra

Try the manga as well. I found it more enjoyable than watching.

Seeing that there would be no further fight from the remaining bandits Yoriichi sheathed his katana after wiping the blood off of it and continued walking into the town. As he walked in between the huts that made up housing for these people he made his way towards the river that he knows hid the most wanted man in the kingdom of Qin currently, The 31st King of Qin Ei Sei. After reaching the river he hid himself in reeds so that he would not be discovered until later in the night when Kingdom's protagonist the orphan Shin arrives after witnessing his best friend's death.

Kingdom: A Demon slayer

Kingdom: A Demon slayer

Anime & Comics · Random_Name_7

Replied to Licorice

I feel that.

Sách này đã bị xóa
Replied to GuessMyName


'Well... as I expected, the heat of the hot spring is still not enough for me to relax because of my sunshine magic. Only mountains and hill are found around the village so I really need to find an active volcano near the town of Arcanretia and take a dip on a lava to feel relaxed." He thought while being disappointed on the heat of the hot spring bath.

Harem System: An Implosion on This Wonderful World

Harem System: An Implosion on This Wonderful World

Anime & Comics · Geraint124x

Replied to GuessMyName

Natsuo Maki from Love Lab.

'Well... as I expected, the heat of the hot spring is still not enough for me to relax because of my sunshine magic. Only mountains and hill are found around the village so I really need to find an active volcano near the town of Arcanretia and take a dip on a lava to feel relaxed." He thought while being disappointed on the heat of the hot spring bath.

Harem System: An Implosion on This Wonderful World

Harem System: An Implosion on This Wonderful World

Anime & Comics · Geraint124x

Replied to Zenraito

Bella Delphine. Famous on onlyfans.

"Oh, so let go of me. Walk on your own." Amon said with the same indifference.

Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Fantasy · Lruska


You skip a lot of events frequently. Or gloss over things that seem important or interesting. It's kind of annoying.

Sách này đã bị xóa
Replied to PUERKO_Senpai

Replied to PUERKO_Senpai

Pink is the best color regardless of sexuality. I'll fight anyone who says otherwise.

The girls were confused about what the wolf meant. They could only watch in wonder as a swirl of beautiful pink flowers manifested out of thin air and engulfed the wolf's entire form. The flowers parted and settled on the ground exposing a stunning white-haired man.

The Desires of a Stray Wolf

The Desires of a Stray Wolf

Anime & Comics · BestNero

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