DFP_86 - Profile



male LV 13
2021-03-28 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 33

Moments 324



Meanwhile, in a picturesque valley, an underground structure stood. Within it, the sixth elder of the Lanzt clan could be seen clutching a letter, anticipation emanating from his expression.

The Golem Mage

The Golem Mage

War · mystic dark


when he learns how to actually fight with a sword ☺️

Rend would definitely make him friends in class. With a bit more effort, it could slice a wide swathe through enemies, and allow him to target an entire group.

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku


or is hole 😂

The reason Alec no longer referred to it as a Mana pool again was straightforward: he had obliterated it countless times while practicing the latest technique from the book passed down by the patriarch of the Gordons clan and now his body is no longer restricted to a small pool but now his hole body was acting as his Mana pool.

The Golem Mage

The Golem Mage

War · mystic dark

Replied to Lou_0659

she isn't ..

" It would provide enough money to help you all cultivate to the Mid rank with resources, spells, and other necessities to make your foundation stable," Agnes said as she walked forward to examine the body of the shadow demon.

The Golem Mage

The Golem Mage

War · mystic dark


cool, I have been curious about the rest of the a Gordon's team, they might be secondary characters but since the are in the team, it would be cool to know more about their abilities Do Kevin and the rest only have Earth element, or other ones? Are they fighters or is some long distance magician like Agnes?...

With a swift transformation of her wand into its staff form, she drove it into the ground, channelling her power alongside four members of the Gordon clan in the team who mirrored her actions from different angles as they slammed there feet’s deep into the ground using there body as a connection.

The Golem Mage

The Golem Mage

War · mystic dark


he did have a lot of coins from selling beast bodies, no need to waste stones

As he grabbed a bamboo hat from a nearby store and tossed a low-tier power stone to the seller, who was left speechless by the unexpected generosity.

The Golem Mage

The Golem Mage

War · mystic dark


please correct this, its's the 6th Elder from the Fridall clan.

Shouldering a heavy burden, he had readily accepted any requests made by the Core members of the Blaze clan to divert attention from his failings in handling the conflicts involving both the Gordons and the Lanzt Clan.

The Golem Mage

The Golem Mage

War · mystic dark



Meanwhile, in the Blaze Clan, the geniuses of younger generation from their inner branch who had been deployed to catch the sixth elder of the Lanzt and the Blades had all returned to their respective inner branches.

The Golem Mage

The Golem Mage

War · mystic dark



“Well, I am Robert... Robert Lanzt, sixth elder of the Lanzt clan, and these are...” Robert was about to introduce the Blade clansmen, but they interrupted and introduced themselves.

The Golem Mage

The Golem Mage

War · mystic dark


honestly they are referred often, but the twins and the last one deserve to get names if they are part of the group, it's been a while since we refer to them as "the rest of them"

Alec remained at the forefront, with Brandon and Arthur just a step behind. His golems protected their flanks, while Kelvin, the twins, and the remaining member of their group were tasked with guarding their rear, as they protected Agnes in the middle.

The Golem Mage

The Golem Mage

War · mystic dark


he is a sociopath, lol

It was a shame, though. The girlfriends he had after Cassarae all pretty much ended the same. Fizzled out with no real drama. Though it was hard to tell if that was because he was always so stoic about things or not.

Genetic Ascension

Genetic Ascension

Fantasy · Awespec

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