A massive ship entered the Solar System...
Anime & Comics · UnknownMaster
"That's it, come with me," Chanel grabbed Percy by the hand and pulled him off the table. They walked across the party tent, most of the occupants was ether drunk or distracted by Hecate was giving a long inspirational speech about unity and hard work.
Book&Literature · SageOF016
Hecate looked away as she whistled, "I-I would never do that."
Book&Literature · SageOF016
Hecate rolled her eyes, "if I had a galleon for every time I heared that...no Jackson, think."
Book&Literature · SageOF016
"...alright then, please, continue."
Book&Literature · SageOF016
Haley laughed a bit and said, "Or I'll be like Jenny from 'Not Another Teen Movie'."
TV · Alittlepiggy33
The Jedi exchanged a look, their confusion evident as the music continued to fill the air. Above them, Atlas moved closer to the palace, its presence undeniable—and its intentions clear.
Movies · AlienWarlord
"Damn you, monkey…"
Anime & Comics · SenatusAlpha
I could do better and I knew how to, bit I'd need tech to do that.
The Gamer Files: The 100's Gamer.
TV · God_Of_DepravityX