

LV 2

a new writer who has too much imagination and can't sleep anymore ;)

2021-03-12 đã tham gia France
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Huy hiệu 4

Moments 253
5 days ago
Replied to casivincent

effectivement, tu as raison mais qui as dit que mon MC est un sorceleur normal :)

Je serrai les poings, fixant mon regard dans le sien. "Je sais que je ne comprendrai jamais pleinement, mais j'ai besoin d'une force au-delà de celle d'un humain. Devenir loup-garou ? Je perdrais la raison. Mage ? Je doute même d'en avoir le potentiel. Servir un roi ? J'ai déjà servi une reine, et cela m'a suffi. S'il te plaît, je veux seulement être assez fort pour protéger ceux qui comptent pour moi."

A special witcher (french)

A special witcher (french)

Video Games · Blax

5 days ago
Replied to casivincent

Qui l'a dit ? héhé

Je serrai les poings, fixant mon regard dans le sien. "Je sais que je ne comprendrai jamais pleinement, mais j'ai besoin d'une force au-delà de celle d'un humain. Devenir loup-garou ? Je perdrais la raison. Mage ? Je doute même d'en avoir le potentiel. Servir un roi ? J'ai déjà servi une reine, et cela m'a suffi. S'il te plaît, je veux seulement être assez fort pour protéger ceux qui comptent pour moi."

A special witcher (french)

A special witcher (french)

Video Games · Blax

8 days ago



I found myself facing a man who appeared mature, yet carried an air of elegance. His face, slightly marked by time, retained a certain nobility. His pale skin bore faint wrinkles, and his deep brown eyes occasionally flickered with an almost supernatural glint. He was balding on top, with short, dark gray hair neatly framing his temples.

A special witcher

A special witcher

Video Games · Blax

1 months ago

The name of the vampire has importance, try to guess

In a last flash of awareness, I saw the creature snatch the piece of flesh from the table. Its eyes met mine, almost tauntingly, before it vanished into darkness.

A special witcher

A special witcher

Video Games · Blax

1 months ago
Replied to foxyweirdo

That's why she is a rather complex character to understand, because she does it for Ciri, but we see it as the wrong way to go about it.

She gently poured the contents of a small vial into a cup, watching the liquid slowly dissolve. "After we lost our children, you kept giving me the strength to hold on. Even in your absence, I felt your protection. Ciri is all I have left, even if she doesn't understand it yet. I've been hard on her… Maybe too hard, but it was to prepare her for this merciless world." She raised the cup to her lips, feeling the embrace of death drawing near, like a long-lost lover.

A special witcher

A special witcher

Video Games · Blax

1 months ago
Replied to

Calanthe of Cintra rejected the idea of destiny, preferring to control Ciri's future on her own terms, even if it meant ignoring the Law of Surprise. However, when Cintra fell, she ultimately accepted that Geralt might be her granddaughter's only hope.

She gently poured the contents of a small vial into a cup, watching the liquid slowly dissolve. "After we lost our children, you kept giving me the strength to hold on. Even in your absence, I felt your protection. Ciri is all I have left, even if she doesn't understand it yet. I've been hard on her… Maybe too hard, but it was to prepare her for this merciless world." She raised the cup to her lips, feeling the embrace of death drawing near, like a long-lost lover.

A special witcher

A special witcher

Video Games · Blax

1 months ago

The best girl


1st reason: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth on PC. How can I put it… cough, cough... I 100% completed it because I'm a huge fan of the Final Fantasy series, as well as Resident Evil.

A special witcher

A special witcher

Video Games · Blax

1 months ago



Anna Henrietta sat with a natural grace, befitting a sovereign. Her poised stance was not rigid but carried an air of authority and elegance. Her piercing gaze, tinged with subtle mischief, scrutinized my every move with unsettling precision.

A special witcher

A special witcher

Video Games · Blax

1 months ago



Anna Henrietta sat with a natural grace, befitting a sovereign. Her poised stance was not rigid but carried an air of authority and elegance. Her piercing gaze, tinged with subtle mischief, scrutinized my every move with unsettling precision.

A special witcher

A special witcher

Video Games · Blax

1 months ago
Replied to Hunterbloodmix

Thank you so much ^^

This message is mainly to see if there are still those who would continue to read my story because I will post 10 chapters along with this one. Depending on the number of people who leave a comment on this paragraph, it will tell me if they want me to continue this story or not.

A special witcher

A special witcher

Video Games · Blax