Not poisoned? No problem—you're already marked by my poison-attribute soul power! I'll just detonate it directly. If the poison doesn't kill you, the explosion will!
Anime & Comics · AbsoluteCode
so basically a city sized gu poison bowl?
Biluocheng, a city under the jurisdiction of the Heaven Dou Empire, takes its name from its proximity to Biluoxia, a canyon teeming with poisonous soul beasts. It is a city built amidst barren mountains and treacherous terrain.
Anime & Comics · AbsoluteCode
always fun when there's an amon chapter
The Judge Awakens!
Anime & Comics · StrikerAuthor
'What can I say…Elane's head is the best. How much she complains that she misses my head pats!!'
Book&Literature · Hooin_Kyoma
TN: keikaku means plan
'Everything is going according to Keikaku.'
Book&Literature · Hooin_Kyoma
[Psychic Affinity: Boosts the Host's closeness with Psychic-type Pokémon, significantly reduces damage from Psychic moves, and increases the power of Psychic moves when commanding Psychic Pokémon.]
Team Rocket’s Second-in-Command!
Video Games · WiseTL