The information like Garduck was an experienced fighter used to rig matches for example? Or him ripping goblins mouths before his very eyes? Or do you think a gamer can fight him on equal footing because their stats are equivalent? 60 is still in the gray. They are neutral, not loyal. Information drawn subtly yes. Asking in the middle of a forest, hey! How do you use energy? Not so much. Again killing them? Impossible. Shihan just showed him she could kill him at range without trouble. Garduck does a few paragraphs later. You mention manipulative methods, which is exactly what he tries to avoid. I don't remember if it's already mentioned here or if it is later, but his goal is not to recreate a second demon realm but a genuine cooperation so he won't have to look behind his shoulder every two minutes. Sorry to disagree but he's suspicious because he's smart, not the other way around. I don't need to explain what is shown. Maybe you don't like this writing style, which would make more sense. If not I strongly disagree with your opinion.
'No! I need to grow stronger! There is no place for fear in this world!'
Fantasy · Adamus_Auguste
He doesn't want to summon imps.
'Sad I couldn't find tier-four ones, but that's already four thousand additional soldiers. As for their species.' He tapped on his lips pensively. 'Tier-one for humans, tier-two for elves, and tier-three for demons.'
Fantasy · Adamus_Auguste
I'm sure admitting that you don't know how to use your energy before demons who could crush you with a slap is an excellent idea. He's not desperate for power. He's not dumb because you can't understand the situation and underlying threats. Or is it that you would trust demons you just summoned?
'No! I need to grow stronger! There is no place for fear in this world!'
Fantasy · Adamus_Auguste
Đoạn này đã bị xóa
Fantasy · Adamus_Auguste
No problems. Feel free to give me feedback. But You'll see he's not fighting Baal from the start. ^^
Baal is but one of the many antagonists and by no means the final one. Now, I guess you don't want to be spoiled, so I'll try not to give too much information. But think about several pantheon, all having gods as or stronger than Baal.
Heh? Only Adam can see it with his system. ^^ The other summoned can later, too.
Before adding, "I don't know where your group found this peculiar beast core, but it yielded amazing results. If you find more, you have to bring them to me!"
Fantasy · Adamus_Auguste
I'll try to keep Julius' pov under 10 chapters, then. It'll only be around 2 months for Adam. Then, I'll return to Julius for hopefully a few chapters to settle him and the others, then focus on Adam entirely and ultimately time skip.
He needs the craftsmen more. He's planning to sell them to pay their fees.
"I can't craft anything with them, so I can try to sell them when we recruit the jewelsmith."
Fantasy · Adamus_Auguste
Thank you. Wish you a nice reading, too. But yeah, I don't explain what I've already shown. ^^
'No! I need to grow stronger! There is no place for fear in this world!'
Imp to Demon King: A Journey of Conquest
Fantasy · Adamus_Auguste