Good luck on your exams
To them, it must have been the wind.
Anime & Comics · CaveSquirrel
"You are mad," the child declared, his voice cold and emotionless, "you are the very definition of insanity... doing the same thing over and over and over again... and look... all that hardship and struggle, for what?" He pointed at the small hole in the sand, which looked exactly as it did all those centuries ago. "You achieved nothing... you will be forgotten by the world the second you die... your whole existence is meaningless."
Movies · FangYuan1234
Doesn't make any sense, they would nuke the f out of them rather than lose territory
Đoạn này đã bị xóa
Anime & Comics · CaveSquirrel
The very definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again , expecting different results.
Movies · FangYuan1234
Speaking of Ser Barristan, if he didn't give up when he did , I would have had to resign. There was only so much blood I could lose until someone started screaming "impostor!" and I was thrown out of the spacecraft.
Movies · FangYuan1234
Thanks for the chapter
thanks for the chapter
man writing this one took hell of a time and the promised fight scene hope you guys enjoyed it
Fantasy · Akuma_675
Thanks for the chapter
An hour after leaving the Bakker camp, Leo found the cave McCoy had described. Its entrance was hidden behind junk and debris. He spent some time clearing it, then ventured inside. Not far in, he discovered McCoy's stash: an SUV packed with enough water, food, and supplies to last several days. Lying beside it was a familiar-looking Katana.
Gearbound: Cyberpunk 2077
Video Games · IDKjust