… But he doesn't. He doesn't say a word. Just continues to stand there, menacingly, watching her like a hawk. He's enjoying himself. She knows, because his cock is getting bigger and longer and harder in her mouth. But you wouldn't be able to guess it by looking at him. It's almost as if he's humoring her, as if he thinks all of this is for her, instead of him.
Video Games · CambrianBeckett2
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Anime & Comics · InGlorious
hehe memeleies
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Fantasy · Chaosking
I like him because of the racism we are not the same
A sinister grin covered Adam's face at that as he chuckled darky before saying, "Well~.. What better way to make sure no one forgets my name than to be the Man who Burned down The World Government and their Dogs, then pissed upon their Ashes!"
One Piece: An Immortal Legend
Anime & Comics · HeliosTheDepressed