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2021-02-22 đã tham gia Global
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1 months ago

First Class

● Order of Merlin, Firat Class- 3 Vote

Legacy of Harry Potter

Legacy of Harry Potter

Book&Literature · Graviele

9 months ago

He should have wished to have the powers of a conduit protagonist without drawbacks so he could copy other powers/quirks.

"That makes sense, ok for my last wish, I want it so that no one can cancel or steal my quirk" said Nakada.

Lightning Human in MHA

Lightning Human in MHA

Anime & Comics · Digital_Ink

10 months ago

5 if rich or 3 if not.

Sách này đã bị xóa
10 months ago

If that doesn't work you could use the power upgrade card to steal genetic skills from other people such as magic and meta abilities.

Wait the person or-- nope it's the ability. Ok, this is getting irritating. A cool ability but I can't use cause there are no quirks in this verse so this is useless unless I get a travel ticket to the BNHA verse.

Meta Gacha Essence In DC

Meta Gacha Essence In DC

Anime & Comics · _TheGodFather

10 months ago

Arguably Rick Sanchez is better. Reed Richards does not learn from past mistakes, Reed Richards need the rest of the Fantastic Four to make money to pay for his experiments and repair the Baxter Building after being destroyed by enemies of the Fantastic four with half targeting Reed Richards, people trying to prove themselves battling the Four, a smattering of battle junkies after the Thing, and people trying to kidnap Susan.

I think I got too many cards from Marvel, but hey I'm not complaining especially if it's from one of the smartest and scariest person in that verse. The dude almost destroyed his universe many times and was also very irresponsible about it and his marriage. Dear Susan deserves better.

Meta Gacha Essence In DC

Meta Gacha Essence In DC

Anime & Comics · _TheGodFather

11 months ago

Sapphires and rubies are the same gem with minimal differences in trace elements. They only have different names for because people didn't know they were the same stone and not similar stones until long after the name had been established.

11 months ago

He can turn into other people or creatures if he so desires

When somebody said shapeshifting, Susan tended to think along the lines of looking like someone else. She had thought that his complex transformation would simply to become someone vastly different from himself. Instead Damian had turned into some sort of eldritch horror with tentacles that had razors or even spun like drills.

Marvel Mutant, I’m a Burning Martian!

Marvel Mutant, I’m a Burning Martian!

Anime & Comics · EgyptianDio

11 months ago

The simple solution would be to erase her knowledge of what smell matches with anything while leaving her memories intact. She would have to relearn all scents but erasing the knowledge would prevent her from relapsing or remembering unless she was trained with a trigger again.

'When I smell it, everything goes black... And when I wake up, everyone's dead.'

Marvel Mutant, I’m a Burning Martian!

Marvel Mutant, I’m a Burning Martian!

Anime & Comics · EgyptianDio

11 months ago

They also seem to be able to pick up language and other knowledge from other peoples minds if they so desire.

Telepathy: Martians have the ability to read the minds of others and project their thoughts to varying degrees. They can also project their mental essences into a gestalt community known as the "Great Mind". Through this, the community can enhance the telepathic strength of other Martians. This power can also enable them to reverse the effects of amnesia or psychological brainwashing.

Marvel Mutant, I’m a Burning Martian!

Marvel Mutant, I’m a Burning Martian!

Anime & Comics · EgyptianDio

11 months ago

Martians in general seem to be powerful biokinetics either directly or indirectly as their tech base is very biokinetic. In theory when they shape shift into other creatures they can copy their genetic abilities as long as they keep their forms. Kryptonians don't work as it takes time to build up a solar charge. They also seem to revert to a base form in certain circumstances. They are also extremely intelligent as the Burning Martians were devolved only after they had almost reached to point of space travel for fear they would reach the sun and use the heat to breed like a plague before spreading to every star and then planet whilst setting everything on fire.

Extrasensory Input: Martians possess nine different senses[never specified exactly what therefore not a part of the story.]

Marvel Mutant, I’m a Burning Martian!

Marvel Mutant, I’m a Burning Martian!

Anime & Comics · EgyptianDio