

LV 4

I like fanfic which do something different without just changing the world it is set in from the start.

2021-01-29 đã tham gia Global
Huy hiệu 4

Moments 521
4 hours ago
Replied to Ghostman

Blue Mega Evolution Gyrados looks like a short King ( I feel like he was way too thick for his size)

4 hours ago
Replied to

That is giga Chad gyrados

7 hours ago

MC is delusional why would anyone call anything a god .( they have not shown thier power in the OP wolrd)

"Ha ha ha, such arrogant fools, they're so reluctant to acknowledge the name of 'God' for these Pokémon," Dak muttered to himself, seated on a piece of red land known as the Red Line. He was not alone; the Pokémon known as the Three Gods of the Pokémon Alliance accompanied him: Sceptile, Darkrai, and Giratina. Despite their power, the World Government refused to recognize them as 'gods.'

Pokémon Breeder In One Piece!

Pokémon Breeder In One Piece!

Anime & Comics · Zaelum

9 hours ago
Replied to DaoistUxPrwu

why do comment in the middle of paragraphs

He returned to the breeding house to mind the store. Iceburg was also studying how to develop the breeding house better, as Dak planned to have him take over the Water 7 branch once the sea train project was complete.

Pokémon Breeder In One Piece!

Pokémon Breeder In One Piece!

Anime & Comics · Zaelum

9 hours ago
Replied to KnightTerror

Can you tell me Cubone's backstory it has been years since I have seen the anime.

"Evolving? I don't quite understand, but that's okay. Little Cubone can always be my crybaby," the woman said, not intending to make Cubone fight.

Pokémon Breeder In One Piece!

Pokémon Breeder In One Piece!

Anime & Comics · Zaelum

10 hours ago

Wait a minute what if slowpoke bites evolved psyducks tail.

He held a Psyduck and had a Slowpoke resting on his head.

Pokémon Breeder In One Piece!

Pokémon Breeder In One Piece!

Anime & Comics · Zaelum

12 hours ago


"I heard Doflamingo has a subordinate who ate the Ishi Ishi Fruit. Maybe..."

Pokémon Breeder In One Piece!

Pokémon Breeder In One Piece!

Anime & Comics · Zaelum

13 hours ago
Replied to ZFang

We know what reddit post your referring to vunt.

13 hours ago
Replied to Lord_Montax07

what i don't understand why the gif got you emotional ( i don't know the contecxt)

"Of course, we don't abandon comrades in arms; you can trust that," Karasu replied confidently.

Pokémon Breeder In One Piece!

Pokémon Breeder In One Piece!

Anime & Comics · Zaelum

16 hours ago
Replied to JTGTitan_96

This is not a Biology class my 6 th grade Biology book is more complex then this shit.

For example, the eighteen Pokémon types and their characteristics, such as the ghost types' ability to appear and disappear and their mischief, and psychic types' telekinesis and sensitivity to emotions.

Pokémon Breeder In One Piece!

Pokémon Breeder In One Piece!

Anime & Comics · Zaelum