Oh my! Cant wait for the next update!
I’m sad they have to split up T-T please let them reunite in the future!
Chương này đã bị xóa
Fantasy · Choices_In_Life
I will never be able to look or think about red bean buns without thinking of a carnaged filled mall...
Chương này đã bị xóa
Fantasy · Choices_In_Life
I’m really enjoying this story. Ive been binging it and its one of my favorite books. Its a unique concept and well written, definitely worth a read
A coupe? That's pretty uncommon to the mc annihilation of everything in these stories, I'm intrigued...
I'm just waiting for Gramps to lose his patience and he either finds out about Kat or its reviled he knew the whole time
This is so enjoyable to read I can't stop laughing
Its honestly just a fun wish fufilment ride and I for one am all for it. This is what I imagined college to be like as a kid in all it’s archaic glory. Spoiler alert college is money guzzling bullsh*t and it sucks but you can dream still. The MC is more of like a plot device than a character (and the system is just a giant a*s Mcguffin), but the students that get focused are all pretty relatable and have understandable motives and goals and use their own power to get to them, which is pretty admirable. If you’re looking for high stakes and strenuous plot, this isn’t the book for you, but if you’re just looking for a good time, you’ve come to the right place ;)