

LV 4

snoozing often !

2021-01-03 đã tham gia United States
Huy hiệu 3

Moments 577
3 days ago

why it’s pretty weak canon sunny didn’t turn it into a shadow for a reason idk

Sunny was inclined to turn that echo into his shadow this time, so he had to go kill the rest of the scavengers soon.

Shadow Slave: The Prince of Death

Shadow Slave: The Prince of Death

Anime & Comics · Saadistic

3 days ago
Replied to Saadistic

sunny found ways to lie even with his flaw most people try to avoid the flaw

"Although I still don't understand why you are so hellbent on growing stronger sunny."

Shadow Slave: The Prince of Death

Shadow Slave: The Prince of Death

Anime & Comics · Saadistic

17 days ago

no harem it will become boring and stale

17 days ago

true also sauske had a kinda combined effect where he would control the black fire with his other eye ability

And the combined effect (Before people start saying there is no third ability, Obito has a combined effect as well, check it)

With Mangekyo, I Escaped Konoha To Other Worlds [Naruto/AttackOnTitan]

With Mangekyo, I Escaped Konoha To Other Worlds [Naruto/AttackOnTitan]

Anime & Comics · PcaNovels

22 days ago
Replied to Unsupervised_Idiot

name makes sense L rage bait

27 days ago

i’m sorry this just isn’t how the sharignan works if you evolve it to 2nd tomoe it can’t go down to one tomoe same with third tomoe you can’t go back down to second. he has a mangekyou he can’t go back down to a 2nd he can either have 3rd tomoe mode or mangekyou mode no other

1 months ago
Replied to Tr0llFac3

not how it works

1 months ago
Replied to InsanityX

information on how Revan faught (he doesn’t need this) where revan has been. past tactics.

Red nodded solemnly, but a bit of a smile was poorly hidden behind the beard. "The Bundle includes the Super Talent and a Special Ability, and the rest comes from a pre-allocated list of free stuff. The free stuff is supposed to be evenly distributed among everyone who chooses the 20 Talent Bundle. Usually, there are at least two, three, or even four per Class. There certainly were for the other Classes. This is a first. Since you were the only recipient in the Jedi Class, you won the Jackpot and got all the freebies. We also threw the head in since no one else wanted it."

The Reincarnator's Tavern

The Reincarnator's Tavern

Movies · GnomeBob

2 months ago
Replied to Devilsmercy026

yeah i get that i was just asking if it was a refrence to another fic 😭

But it is kind of a lie, when I was making my build, I went through a lot of "other things I desired." I was almost a ninja, a Jedi, a wizard, and even a pirate.

Potential Man (Megumi SI/JJK/WC Fic)

Potential Man (Megumi SI/JJK/WC Fic)

Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer

2 months ago

coming back to his thought process in a fight “survival”

But was it enough? No. To survive, he would definitely also need some luck.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree