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2 days ago


Vol 2. Chapter 1. Nice Night For A Walk…

Fate/False Order

Fate/False Order

Anime & Comics · Leylin_Blackwood

3 days ago
Replied to Gold_6707

it's not just that, if it were only this clause and nothing else, he would be able to summon any servant so long as his goal isnt to get the grail. like kill a master, try to overthrow the clocktower, anything.

The signatory agrees that they shall not summon any Servant for the express use of the 4th Holy Grail War as of the date of signing.

Fate/False Order

Fate/False Order

Anime & Comics · Leylin_Blackwood

4 days ago
Replied to The_Puffer

or Wattson Paquette from Apex


She decided on a slight French accent, although she didn't push it to the extreme. Instead, she tended to ignore H sounds and pronounce both R and W sounds similarly, used a T.H. sound for S, Z and F and utilised a more upwards tilting intonation pattern. She thought it sounded subdued yet cute.

A cyborg in the Wasteland

A cyborg in the Wasteland

Video Games · SpiraSpira

8 days ago

Konan has amber eyes

It was a woman—a pretty one if Pakura had anything to say. A woman with short blue hair and grey eyes looked at Pakura. Her expression was neutral; nothing could be learned from it. But it wasn't her that got Pakura's attention. It was the man sitting in the shadows, looking down at her with his unusual eyes. He was terrifying.

Will of embers

Will of embers

Anime & Comics · Ironwolf852

8 days ago

oh my god yes, this is Pakura right?

"They're late," she said to her comrades. She barely knew them as it was the first time she had worked with them, but she trusted them as they were fellow shinobi of Sunakagure. "Are we sure that they aren't planning anything?"

Will of embers

Will of embers

Anime & Comics · Ironwolf852

13 days ago
Replied to Tristan_Ellison

this is mostly about harder drug getting stuffed with fentanyl and such

"With or without my permission, you will eventually go out into the forest, I rather be there when you do, go out." Lily said, seemingly having though of everything.

New Life as a Futanari Tentacle Girl

New Life as a Futanari Tentacle Girl

Fantasy · SleepnSweets

14 days ago
Replied to Dantaliens

nope, excrement and the such counts as biohazard waste and must be taken care of by professionals

"When you start ninth grade, you will be suspended for two weeks of school. Before that, during the vacations, you will do community service for a month. Cleaning up parks, helping at shelters, and that sort of thing. But first, you'll have to clean up the mess you made. These days, you must clean up the ballroom, which is full of excrement," Winks explained in a calm tone.

Wednesday: The Strongest Psychic

Wednesday: The Strongest Psychic

TV · Nathe07

15 days ago

oh my, first clause and already the loopholes are beautiful

The signatory agrees that they shall not summon any Servant for the express use of the 4th Holy Grail War as of the date of signing.

Fate/False Order

Fate/False Order

Anime & Comics · Leylin_Blackwood

15 days ago

hoh? this seems perfect for something like all the world's evils

Upon activation, the garden entraps the targeted individuals within a bounded field, followed by a sign with the inscription, "Only those free of sin may pass." The trapped individuals experience a weakening curse, its potency directly proportional to the weight of their sins. The more malevolent the individual, the greater the suppression they endure. This curse is capable of nullifying their abilities, rendering them incapable of breaking free or receiving external aid. Even Command Seals are powerless to extract a Servant from this confinement.

Fate/False Order

Fate/False Order

Anime & Comics · Leylin_Blackwood

15 days ago

the forest was my first thought too

"That has to be one of the vilest human experimentation victims I've ever seen, and you did very well to take care of it, despite it being your first time seeing something like that." Her soothing words made me feel a bit lighter, something I desperately needed after seeing something that looked like it came straight out of The Forest.

Fate/False Order

Fate/False Order

Anime & Comics · Leylin_Blackwood