De nada Bro 👍
¿Sugerencias para mejorar? PD: No se si checaste, pero este es el capítulo 2. Espero te guste el primero
Aunque comparto tu opinión sobre mostrar algo mas de la interacción, debo decir, es difícil escribir personajes inteligentes creíbles, mucho mas una conversación fluida. Solo piénsalo ¿Cómo tú, yo o cualquier otra persona "promedio" puede representar a gente "sobresaliente" sin rebajar su nivel? Difícil
The next ten minutes were an emotional-intellectual rollercoaster, courtesy of Nezu, keeping me in constant tension. Just when I started to relax, thinking the tense moment had passed, Nezu would instantly, as if stabbing with a rapier, hit me with an unexpected question, and I'd grit my teeth and manage to answer somehow. Forget about counterattacks—I was barely keeping up with catching my breath.
Anime & Comics · XAN3ON
Bueno, la voluntad de las personas permanecen en sus quirks incluso si estos fueron robados (énfasis en casos como all for one u one for all si recordamos correctamente)
"No. It's the animal, the monster inside you that wants to wallow in and bathe in blood. But you…"
Anime & Comics · XAN3ON
Un pozole, lástima que no tiene carne humana
But thoughts of Olivier salad, some spicy bratwurst, or just fries and a hamburger, or herring under a fur coat, or at least a crab stick salad... Damn, it's even hard to find decent potatoes here.
Anime & Comics · XAN3ON
Oh, un meme en español
"Niren, I have a request for you, as a friend and as someone I greatly respect. I want you to personally assess my level of training. I hope... I think I'm ready! I'm sure that you, Niren, will be one of the best in U.A., and I... don't want to lag behind you!"—she then slightly leaned forward, looking into my eyes. "Would you... mind having a few sparring sessions?"
Anime & Comics · XAN3ON
Te creo si viven en lo que hoy es Europa, de otra forma, no lo se, me parece menos creíble
The little child was no different from a normal child, but because he was born with blue eyes, he was constantly mistreated by adults and children alike, and it was a miracle that he was not killed. Even his parents and siblings did not want him because of this insignificant birth difference.
Anime & Comics · PRIME_PRIMUS
Not caring about decor, I sat down and kicked up my feet onto the coffee table. The wait took several minutes before a small white animal wearing a suit walked in with Aizawa. Not the weirdest thing I've seen before. That goes to a Deathclaw in a suit that could speak fluent English and Spanish.
Video Games · Hawkin
Empieza a escucharse banda sonora épica de fondo
[Autor aquí] Seré tan objetivo e imparcial como se me sea posible a mi propia obra: 1. La escritura es decente tirando a buena, tiene problemas en la ortografía o similares de vez en cuando. Nada demasiado notorio como para arruinar la lectura, y es muy descriptiva. 2. El desarrollo de la historia es pausado en general, sin embargo es lo suficientemente fluido para ser gratificante y no aburrir. 3. Los personajes que se sienten reales/tridimencionales, además de ser fieles al material original. 4. La historia hace su trabajo en apegarse a su ambiente y época en la que transcurre (diferentes partes del mundo en el 2010)
All X Prime
TV · LuxZ001