_The_Collector - Profile



LV 4
2020-12-03 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 5

Moments 4059

Replied to DMadLord

but the one about Draco is correct right? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

He couldn't fuse with Legion-7 before because of Chaos energy. That changed when he became a demonic spark and gained an innate immunity to Chaos energy. By fusing with Legion-7, Legion-7 and the clones that have united with him also gained that immunity, so they didn't have to fear Chaos energy anymore. In return, Aeternus gained the abilities of the other clones. 



Fantasy · DMadLord


I like this rule. Puts a bit of realism to it

PRIDE chased him, but it couldn't catch up. This is because the two of them are both moving at the speed of light. PRIDE can become much faster than that, but not on the light side of the void universe. The speed of light is the limit on motion on the light side, so unless PRIDE could weaken Aeternus by making him lose energy and unable to maintain his speed, it wouldn't be able to catch up to him soon.



Fantasy · DMadLord



Aeternus didn't reply. He couldn't reply because he was busy running. He had turned tail immediately after he sensed the problem. PRIDE hadn't even finished fusing before he ran away. 



Fantasy · DMadLord

Replied to Bruno_Renan

except, is there an omnipotent being beside God?

It's a place that allows humans to exceed their natural limits and become much stronger. It is a place where opportunities and dangers await one daily. Life and death are much closer in the Origin Expanse than anywhere else!" He explained more thoroughly than he had initially intended.

Supreme Lord: I can extract everything!

Supreme Lord: I can extract everything!

Fantasy · HideousGrain

Replied to Deeznuts69_

you could still die of a heart attack

It's a place that allows humans to exceed their natural limits and become much stronger. It is a place where opportunities and dangers await one daily. Life and death are much closer in the Origin Expanse than anywhere else!" He explained more thoroughly than he had initially intended.

Supreme Lord: I can extract everything!

Supreme Lord: I can extract everything!

Fantasy · HideousGrain

Replied to knjkamal24624

I don't got a father, but I still know the feeling from my mother

Klein answered humorously, "Isn't being afraid of a father normal?"

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

Replied to Hinata_Aelius

free information if MC is smart enough

"Although I walk here often, I am still constantly afraid of falling down, tumbling down like a barrel. You don't know, Leonard did such a folly. On the first day of becoming a 'Sleepless'—the first day where he had not mastered his new powers—he tried to rush down the flight of stairs. And-and he became a cartwheel. Haha, it was hilarious if you think about it. Oh yes, it was the guy that greeted you just now. This was about three years ago. Speaking of which, I have been with the Nighthawks for five years; I was only seventeen when I joined…"

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving


isn't Helios supposed to be the biggest clone considering that he is literary a star that is as big as the realm itself?

PRIDE was not to be outdone. His numerous bodies moved closer to each other and combined. They became a colossal entity, far larger than 10 planes combined. More clones were still coming, but this form was enough to tower over Legion-1, who is the biggest clone.



Fantasy · DMadLord



Aeternus laughed wildly. "You thought you could bury me? You thought you could bully me with numbers? You and what army?"



Fantasy · DMadLord

Replied to Emma_Fellah

ok, she is hot

Dunn turned the doorknob, pushed the door open and said to a woman on the sofa, "Daly, any results?"

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

Replied to mykola

no, from what I've inferred from his analysis of Melissa's cooking, I believe he is a good cook.

"When Melissa comes back to cook it, it will be done after 7:30pm. She would be starving by then… It's time for her to see what real cooking is!" Klein made an excuse for himself. First, he started the fire again, went to the bathroom to collect water, and washed the mutton. Then he took out the kitchen boards and knives before chopping the mutton into tiny chunks.

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

Replied to Daoist_LongBottom

is it about a dude who was afraid of an old dude's eyes looking like that of a vulture and killed him. Whent he police came, he became crazy and confessed?

He had planned to put the revolver back into the drawer but thinking that he had no idea why the police were outside and that they might search the room or do other things, he cautiously ran to the stove where the flames had already been extinguished and put the revolver in it.

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving


archeology, the oldest form of science

"16th May. Senior Associate Professor Cohen and Mr. Azik discussed the inevitability of the Age of Steam. Mr. Azik opined that it was just a coincidence because if it wasn't for Emperor Roselle, the Northern Continent would still be wielding swords like the Southern Continent. Mentor argued that Mr. Azik had placed too much emphasis on the contribution of an individual. He believes that with progress, even if there wasn't an Emperor Roselle, there would be an Emperor Robert. Therefore, the Age of Steam might come late, but eventually come nevertheless. I found little meaning in their discussion. I prefer discovering new things and unraveling the hidden past. Perhaps I am more suited to study archeology than history."

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

Replied to Fantasy_Walker

same. honestly, I'm just waiting for the MC to finally get his powers

Of course, Audrey knew more. The main supporter of the Conservative Party was the present Duke of Negan, Pallas Negan, who was the brother of Aguesid!

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

Replied to hatefnames

oh, if only they knew

Alger listened to her suggestion calmly; he was tempted by the suggestion as well. He hurriedly echoed, "Mr. Fool, don't you find such 'gatherings' interesting? Although your powers exceed our imaginations, there has to be certain domains that you don't understand or excel in. The person across from me is obviously a young lady of lofty stature. I also have my unique set of experiences, insights, mediums, and resources. Perhaps there will come a day when both of us can help you complete something trivial that might be inconvenient for you."

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

Replied to Dominanceregressor


Audrey thought for a moment before saying with a smile, "I will choose the more secure method. Let's do it here, although it's a test of my memory."

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

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