With a solemn look on his face he carefully put on a silken glove and gently flipped the first page, a prayer and an oath already on his mind as he began reading the teachings of the greatest revolutionary of them all.
Video Games · Rastislav
You say plot armor, but i see a vurdalak bloodline ability
'You mean, we've reached the bright blue.' Night hadn't missed how unlike it happened for her sister and Lith, she was growing farther instead of closer to her host.
Fantasy · Legion20
Yourselves* since it’s plural
Satisfied, I turned to the priest "Done pissing yourself yet, kids?"
Video Games · Rastislav
Goblin slayer doesn’t belong there lmao
My gleeful congratulations for his deed did earn me some looks but I was not bothered, the green taint had to be expunged at all costs! Also no one was willing to say anything as Titus had well and truly gone wild with the propaganda and not knowing of the deeds of the 'Godslayers' was a challenge beaten by only the most reclusive of hamlets.
Video Games · Rastislav
Over nine thousand!?
He had received far more power than he had anticipated. Right now, without any exertion or suppression, he estimated his power to be–
Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox
Mehrunes has been adopted by the sixth house, the tribe unmourned
The fact that the ashlanders offered any kind of worship to Molag Bal, Mehrunes Dagoth, Malakath, and Sheogorath was still something Vayrin was not even close to accepting. For all his respect for the ashlanders that was yet a step too far in his eyes.
Video Games · Rastislav
You’re so right, this is a fresh gust of wind compared to the mtl and ai slop, i actually quite like the idea of the old lion destroying himself trying to win a war around a living mountain that doesn’t particularly like him and refusing to accept the reality of his loss, very tywin considering how he died in canon
If that's the case, I'm going to do what I always do, and move on even if you do have a real point to make. Contrary to what you might believe, pure negativity is not criticism. It's driven more writers off this site than you'd think to the point where all we're left with is unreadable AI-assisted slop and MTLs. Having manners isn't all that hard and it's certainly better than cursing at anything you don't like.
Book&Literature · Bleap
Because he’s very, very old
After that came a girl with hair like my own and bright violet eyes sitting in fire, a pretty little thing... but one that irked me with three disgusting insults to my kind around her. The irksomeness soon changed into a fondness when I thought about how the near-extinct dragons of the Lands Between would look upon them.
Book&Literature · Bleap
In 20 thousand years this isn’t even eugenics, this is evolution
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Eastern · Observing the Emptiness
Corn for the corndog, i’m just happy to see you doing better!
Naruto: Faint Smile.
Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER