
LV 4
2020-11-20 đã tham gia Global
Huy hiệu 4

Moments 44
22 days ago

Just condition yourself until you create new neural pathways to activate your erogenous zones via the thought of women, boom problem solved.

"I am unable to find love." Lady Yu said with a hint of sadness in her voice. "I'll be alone forever?"

MMORPG: Rebirth of the Mortal Online

MMORPG: Rebirth of the Mortal Online

Fantasy · Alekzi

11 months ago

yup incapable of actually getting mad at him, kind of pathetic.

But that is none of Luis' concern because he currently expresses his (fake) anger to his lover.

There's Something Wrong With You, My Lord!

There's Something Wrong With You, My Lord!

LGBT+ · Imsuperberbs20

11 months ago
Replied to delanasiwarka

Can't wait to find out! and thanks for the reply.

11 months ago

Now I'm left wondering how the letter made its way to team 4...Team 9 Nian would have had to wait countless years to be there with them or could it be that he tucked it away in a pocket space of sorts using his skill card? There's also the question of whether when this cycle is done if they'll get the memories of those other selves? but with the divergence that's being made it could be said that that team 9 won't exist anymore....kinda too bad, it would've been cool if he inherited the totality of his other self experiences, maybe he mastered his skill card to a crazy level? Speaking of that I can't remember what the limit on nians is per cycle..?

1 years ago
Replied to My_Self_7176

It finally got an update, thought I'd let you know.

2 years ago

Rare rank rum settles someone in a divine class up?

Misery smiled and tossed him a bottle of Rare Rank Rum from his Inventory. Blackbeard easily caught it with surprise, then popped the cork, and took a sniff. The fellow moaned like a little girl as his eyes spun in their sockets. The pirate quickly put the bottle down and the cork back, treating it like it was a holy item, his expression severe like never before. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario

2 years ago

I don't see 1 or 2 chapters.

2 years ago

When did Cyrus make it to the guild? Did I miss that?

"So, four of my generals have arrived before me. Garrett Marshall/Hades, you are the inheritor of Nidhogg, the Dragon God of Devouring. Cyrus Blood/Ghostprotokill, you are the inheritor of Orochi, the Eight-headed Dragon God. Connor Lord/Krona, you are the inheritor of Leviathan, the Behemoth Serpent of the Deep. Finally, Henry Jasek/Nightwalker, you are the inheritor of Jormungandr, the Ragnarok Bringer." 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario

2 years ago

I don't read comments too much so I'm not sure if anyone else said it but with the reveal of the purgatory realm a few chapters ago as well as Dracos group/studio/company under the same name, it seems pretty likely that boundless might end up being a false reality based in this purgatory realm and if so who made it? Was it the old witch living their? She was able to send the Anu guy out of the realm so who knows.

2 years ago

Oh...and what's the drawback with this "shortcut"?

The Dragon and Phoenix Palace knew that they used the Dragon Ascension Chant and the Phoenix Rebirth Mantra respectively, so they intended to stick to that. The reason why they had refrained from using pills to increase it artificially was due to it being their primary style, hence they felt it was crucial to not take any shortcuts. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario