
LV 4
2020-11-20 đã tham gia Global
Huy hiệu 3

Moments 334
1 months ago

Well the 14th has come and gone but no chapter....I wonder if anyone is surprised.

2 months ago

Hope she says no. Platonic forever.

"When you ascend, no—right now, I want you to become my wife. What…do you think? Do you want to?" Wei Wuyin felt an emotion he hadn't felt from Yue Songli, Cao Cuifen, or the others. All of them relied on him, body and soul, but… the rock that steadied him since they left the Scarlet Solaris Sect had always been and will always be…her. 

Paragon of Sin

Paragon of Sin

Eastern · KevinAscending

3 months ago

still wonder what's up with su meis world bound star domain, does she have one? She has been at the starlord level before they were revealed..

Wei Wuyin gave her a few products that contained ample spatial and time energies that she could feed to assist in the taming process. A Living Vortex of Space and Time was a suitable World-Bound Star Domain replacement, and it was one of the few, very, very few items that could become a World-Bound Star Domain of an Ascended being post-ascension

Paragon of Sin

Paragon of Sin

Eastern · KevinAscending

4 months ago

hmm? Qin Rui is one of the previous grand sages or whatever they were called while Qing Qiumu's ancestor was a rung below them at the imperial sage rank, if I recall correctly.

Talking to the leg-dangling Nyla Shur was Qin Rui. She wore a face veil and modest white robes that hid her slender figure. While she was technically Qing Qiumu's ancestor, she wasn't particularly close with Qing Qiumu. She instead had much closer relations with Nyla Shur and Da Shan who were known figures in the Myriad Monarch Sect. 

Paragon of Sin

Paragon of Sin

Eastern · KevinAscending

5 months ago

Surprised he didn't try to get some blood essence for that cousin with the spacial affinity, would've gotten himself a great subordinate.

6 months ago

over kill, wonder how many experienced cultivation deviation.

From outside, a majestic voice thundered resoundingly. This voice shook the Neo-Dawn Stellar Region, audible to every last living existence that existed within, including those hiding in the depths of space or their jet-black eggs. 

Paragon of Sin

Paragon of Sin

Eastern · KevinAscending

6 months ago

No...no they're not.

With a single glance, there wasn't a single soul of the past few generations that wouldn't recognize this figure. It was lovely to an excessive level, especially the two stupendously proud and heavy mounds that were as legendary as an immortal's breath. 

Paragon of Sin

Paragon of Sin

Eastern · KevinAscending

6 months ago

Will the sacred elven queen catch Lin Ziyans scent? Maybe she's bait.

Wei Wuyin nodded. "Good. Retrieve Tuo Bihan, Qin Rui, Lin Ziyan, Luo Ning…" Wei Wuyin began to list off a series of individuals. "Take anyone else you want. I'll be sending you to the Azure-Prime Galactic Zone with them in seven days. " 

Paragon of Sin

Paragon of Sin

Eastern · KevinAscending

6 months ago
Replied to Void_Vestige

off* mind* ugh didn't proof read well enough.

6 months ago

Eden was capable of subsisting of demonic energies so with that in mine I wonder if Eden will eventually facilitate a transformation in the soldiers of war into a type of aberrant demon..? This way those who created the nexus war flag will have no influence over the Soldiers of Wei because he'll definitely encounter the creator's eventually..maybe.