Webnovel Author: thereddeath - Fanfic Collection



male LV 4
2020-11-19 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 6

Moments 23


I drew this myself, so if you have any critiques, please try to be constructive. Also, if you have any ideas on how I could improve his outfit, I would love to hear them. I kind of want to create a situation like Izuku's where his outfit keeps on getting improved.


Moreover, the cloak could be easily detached if necessary to avoid any "Syndrome" situations. Miquella also wore a leather belt with multiple pouches containing items such as first aid kits and a small gas mask that could be connected to his mask. He also carried two items at his waist: St. Trina's torch, which he used for creating great swords, and the handle of St. Trina's sword, which was used for smaller blades, daggers, and other weapons. (image here)

In mha as Miquella the kind (MHA/Elden Ring)

In mha as Miquella the kind (MHA/Elden Ring)

Anime & Comics · thereddeath

Replied to Big_jay1o

I didn’t notice that I’ll go back and fix that

Replied to Kevin_Voss


Ten years had passed since they began their training, and now they were both fourteen years old, and both Miquella and Malenia had grown taller than their peers. Miquella stood at 6'3 while Malenia reached a staggering 7'0, making them tower over most of their classmates, and add on Their long hair and golden eyes, made them stand out among their peers. Over the past years, they had not only grown physically but also in skill, achieving black belts in judo and karate. They also focused on honing their quirk abilities primarily on stamina depletion, and further developing the existing skills they already had. 

In mha as Miquella the kind (MHA/Elden Ring)

In mha as Miquella the kind (MHA/Elden Ring)

Anime & Comics · thereddeath

Replied to Keeth_Leigh


The doctor approached the siblings with a clipboard in hand and glanced at Marika. "This won't take long, ma'am," he reassured her. "We just need to gather some information about the nature of your children's powers and how they could develop. After that, you three should go home and get some rest. I know it has been a stressful day for you."

In mha as Miquella the kind (MHA/Elden Ring)

In mha as Miquella the kind (MHA/Elden Ring)

Anime & Comics · thereddeath

Replied to iliacube

The reason Torrent is currently at this speed is because he is part of Miquellas' quirk, and his quirk is still in its infancy stage. As he trains, Torrent will get faster.

Miquella was happy to find out that his quirk came unnaturally fast to him. While right now his light attacks weren't the most dangerous in the world, only able to slightly damage targets, he knew he would get there someday. Another thing he was able to test was Torrent, who due to being from his quirk, changed quite a bit in appearance. The stead's almost matted look from the game was replaced with silky white hair and he had a rather simple yet elegant saddle, and the most dramatic change was Torrent's horns, which now had what looked to be gold engraved into them. Ability-wise, Torrent was much the same, being able to double jump and go at insane speeds, reaching up to 65 MPH. Both quirks seemed to rely on stamina, with light attacks using more and Torrent practically using what felt like zero. 

In mha as Miquella the kind (MHA/Elden Ring)

In mha as Miquella the kind (MHA/Elden Ring)

Anime & Comics · thereddeath

Replied to Envy_23

If you're asking if the character was originally someone else, then no - she was created by the same being as Marika, but she has her own distinct personality and thoughts within the story. She just looks up to Miquella.

Marika looked at her two children, a fond smile playing on her lips. She had known this day would come - from the moment Miquella and Malenia could speak, all they had dreamed of was becoming heroes. While a part of her wanted to shield them from the dangers of that path, she knew in her heart that she could not dissuade them.

In mha as Miquella the kind (MHA/Elden Ring)

In mha as Miquella the kind (MHA/Elden Ring)

Anime & Comics · thereddeath

Replied to Zack_shinigami

No but he will age slower than most

Replied to Roberto_efrfc

It was honestly a mistake on my part I thought I added some dialogue in about this but I forgot, and while he will keep aging through the story his quirk does slow his aging

Replied to iliacube

At the beginning, he is nowhere near the power we see Miquella possess at the end of the DLC, but he will eventually reach that level. As for your other question, you'll have to wait and see.

Miquella, the "kind" demigod. After finishing the DLC, Mike had mixed feelings about him. On one hand, all Miquella wanted was to turn the world into a kinder place. On the other hand, the way he tried to achieve it was terrible he manipulated everyone into doing his bidding. Mike quickly shook his head. Even though he would be reincarnated as Miquella, it didn't mean he had to be anything like him. Besides, the ability to use light attacks and to make people follow him might come in handy, and besides it was much better than being dead.

In mha as Miquella the kind (MHA/Elden Ring)

In mha as Miquella the kind (MHA/Elden Ring)

Anime & Comics · thereddeath

Replied to SlippySlippers

in the story he really will only use the rasengan if he has either ran out of clay and or there Is no other option and he will think of more ways to use his clay abilities so you guys don't have to worry about him just spamming the rasengan.

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this is what I think the mask would look like (and while I said anbu mask now that I look at it more it reminds me of a hollow mask)

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