yes I know but where is the fun in thinking that is the way he/she/helicopter/tank meant
Moreover, Ross was an excellent candidate for grooming.
Anime & Comics · AHumanMadeMOFO
Moreover, Ross was an excellent candidate for grooming.
Anime & Comics · AHumanMadeMOFO
Is anyone still reading this fanfic?
TV · Marishadoww
thought you forgot about it
That evening, cloaked in his invisibility robe, Harry slipped out of the dormitory. Under the Whomping Willow, he retrieved the leaf he'd kept in his mouth for a month. Thanks to the ritual's magical properties, it hadn't decayed; it remained as fresh as if it had just been plucked, emanating an ever-shifting aura of Harry's magic, the mandrake's essence, and the pull of the full moon.
Book&Literature · michaeI
The writing is wonderful. The story progression is great and the slow reveals are great and also annoying at the same time.
Sách này đã bị xóa
the grammar is wrong the sentence should be like "a hero wanted to buy a slave" not "someone wanted to buy a hero as a slave"
"A guest mentioned earlier that he wanted to buy a Hero as a slave. I only contacted you based on the possibility, but after meeting you, I've changed my mind."
Anime & Comics · Darkphoenix11
Enri nodded, taking notes on a little pad that I'd gifted her. She was writing in a language I couldn't understand at all of course. Seriously, what letter was [] supposed to be?
Anime & Comics · StarWaves
minecraft YouTubers would like to know your location
These days, wasn't the "cultivation" type popular?
Urban · jodex
These days, wasn't the "cultivation" type popular?
Urban · jodex
Just so y'all know, I modeled Tut's sex skills after mine, so if anyone want's to experience heaven, just call me. 😉
Marvel's Black Steel
Movies · Ozonelayer