"Come inside." Li Jinxi said after hearing his knock on the door.
Games · MyLittleBrother
"Your depleted Qi will naturally recover until it returns to its original state so you will not have to cultivate every time you use a technique. However, recovering Qi naturally takes time, and it will slow down your cultivation. That is why Cultivators do not use their Qi pointlessly." Xiao Hua explained to him as though she was an expert. "Additionally, if your Qi falls below a certain point, then your body will be in a weakened state until you recover your Qi. In extreme cases, you may lose consciousness or even the ability to Cultivate."
Games · MyLittleBrother
"Un!" she nodded vigorously, nearly making him cry.
Games · MyLittleBrother
i freely give away, we need more knights helping the cause
A tavern keepers work
The Innkeeper
Fantasy · lifesketcher