Webnovel Author: Lordmaedan - Novel Collection



LV 2

I think the pain is the best way to discipline but I'm not a masochist neither a sadist Follow me fellow Vtuber shimps!!

2020-11-06 đã tham gia Philippines

Huy hiệu 6

Moments 241

Replied to Daoisttk7ajZ

Read chapter 1 pls. You talk without even knowing the most simple thing in story.

"Damn! The price of using this Dojutsu is really unreasonable. It seems that I have to learn how to use Armament Haki. Otherwise, it will be too exhausting to use Amaterasu to deal with the Elementalization."

One Piece Starting with Uchiha Itachi's Template

One Piece Starting with Uchiha Itachi's Template

Anime & Comics · theTripleX_HSA

Replied to

Are you even reading the story lol.

"Damn! The price of using this Dojutsu is really unreasonable. It seems that I have to learn how to use Armament Haki. Otherwise, it will be too exhausting to use Amaterasu to deal with the Elementalization."

One Piece Starting with Uchiha Itachi's Template

One Piece Starting with Uchiha Itachi's Template

Anime & Comics · theTripleX_HSA

Replied to FAKE_SMILE_4039

I already forgot most of the things in this novel and judging from the comments he doesnt want to use it and go blind but he can just use genjustu sharingan a very simple technique of uchihas.

"Fortunately, the system has doubled the power of Mangekyo Sharingan. Otherwise, because of excessive using Amaterasu today, I am afraid that even if these eyes are not turned blind by now; they would be blurred."

One Piece Starting with Uchiha Itachi's Template

One Piece Starting with Uchiha Itachi's Template

Anime & Comics · theTripleX_HSA

Replied to FAKE_SMILE_4039

Let me ask what is 'full power'? You just made fun of yourself.

"Fortunately, the system has doubled the power of Mangekyo Sharingan. Otherwise, because of excessive using Amaterasu today, I am afraid that even if these eyes are not turned blind by now; they would be blurred."

One Piece Starting with Uchiha Itachi's Template

One Piece Starting with Uchiha Itachi's Template

Anime & Comics · theTripleX_HSA


how did he know he have stamina buff hahahaha

Moreover, even if his 10% stamina buff, the vicious sword fighting left him a little tired and gasping for air. On the other hand, Boris was just like before and not at all tired!

I Am the God of Games

I Am the God of Games

Games · Green Pepper Bat Donburi

Replied to Lordmaedan

I mean to be more simple, without orochimaru, no impure world reincanation and madara will show up and even though they had significant impact on naruto.... who do you think is naruto??

Orochimaru on the other hand was distant... more so than ever, perhaps it was already too late for him, perhaps I would be forced to kill him, I really didn't know how to stop his change, or what exactly triggered it, so all I could do was see and wait… and kill him if destiny doesn't change.

Naruto: World of Warcraft

Naruto: World of Warcraft

Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER

Replied to

Besides, if you count pain on reviving madara on orochimaru stead, did you think about why he didn't get to revive the akatsuki, his best friend and his sensei? of course killing orochimaru or turning him good is the solution to the thousands of deaths. of course there is still black zetsu but he will show up on boruto if that happens i guess? or isn't there raiden?

Orochimaru on the other hand was distant... more so than ever, perhaps it was already too late for him, perhaps I would be forced to kill him, I really didn't know how to stop his change, or what exactly triggered it, so all I could do was see and wait… and kill him if destiny doesn't change.

Naruto: World of Warcraft

Naruto: World of Warcraft

Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER

Replied to But_Why_Tho

You didn't understand what he is saying, he is saying without orochimaru, madara wouldn't even dropped down huge ball of rock in the sky and kill thousands of shinobi, understand?

Orochimaru on the other hand was distant... more so than ever, perhaps it was already too late for him, perhaps I would be forced to kill him, I really didn't know how to stop his change, or what exactly triggered it, so all I could do was see and wait… and kill him if destiny doesn't change.

Naruto: World of Warcraft

Naruto: World of Warcraft

Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER


Orochimaru slaughtered around 10 or so village for his experiments and Impure world reincanation won't be happening if he is not alive you know?

Orochimaru on the other hand was distant... more so than ever, perhaps it was already too late for him, perhaps I would be forced to kill him, I really didn't know how to stop his change, or what exactly triggered it, so all I could do was see and wait… and kill him if destiny doesn't change.

Naruto: World of Warcraft

Naruto: World of Warcraft

Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER

Replied to Lordmaedan

Although it was bad for her to point it out to the mc rather than stop the kid herself from being a ninja.

"Don't be too harsh on her, in all honesty, I think she needs professional help," I chuckled, "Her behavior was that of a crazy person, maybe find a place for her in the local Asylum, I heard the Yamanaka do wonders with those poor people, heck some of them even go back to their normal lives,"

Naruto: World of Warcraft

Naruto: World of Warcraft

Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER

Replied to Lordmaedan

especially since they are kids.... and war is a thing before....

"Don't be too harsh on her, in all honesty, I think she needs professional help," I chuckled, "Her behavior was that of a crazy person, maybe find a place for her in the local Asylum, I heard the Yamanaka do wonders with those poor people, heck some of them even go back to their normal lives,"

Naruto: World of Warcraft

Naruto: World of Warcraft

Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER


Uh.... the Matron sees the kids he raise go die isn't it normal to be angry? .... a number of people here in webnovel sure are dumb i am sure of it.

"Don't be too harsh on her, in all honesty, I think she needs professional help," I chuckled, "Her behavior was that of a crazy person, maybe find a place for her in the local Asylum, I heard the Yamanaka do wonders with those poor people, heck some of them even go back to their normal lives,"

Naruto: World of Warcraft

Naruto: World of Warcraft

Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER


Hahahahahahaha Wilson is here too

Currently, Marcus' [inventory] contained a bag of armor, a bag of coins, another bag of weapons, a shield, a sword, and Willson. That meant he still had 3 more slots left.

Why reincarnate as a useless skeleton?

Why reincarnate as a useless skeleton?

Fantasy · Darksky_ll

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