This isn’t real. He knows this. Why is he acting stupid?
In the past, his belongings would always mysteriously disappear after coming out of confinement. Of course, they were all stolen by the sect elders, and there was nothing he, a mere disciple, could do about it.
Games · MyLittleBrother
That’s the least disturbing thing I’ve heard of cultivators doing to remains.
"He was most likely dressing the corpses up and treating them as if they were dolls…"
Games · MyLittleBrother
And most of it was filler.
For ancient immortal blah blah whatever, they are all painfully stupid or childish.
'Actually… I can just kill him before the others find out,' Patriarch Ren suddenly realized. 'That way, no one will ever know I leaked the location, and I can save Ren Xia at the same time.'
Games · MyLittleBrother
Then use it to awaken Ares. Duh?
Rina stopped absorbing the liquid mana in the pod, so Nova stopped the mana feed and allowed it to drain out of the pod and into the room, where it evaporated and joined the rest of the mana in the atmosphere. The mana density in the pod vault was so high it would awaken any five people, but to Aron, it was akin to a warm breeze on a hot day, practically unnoticeable.
Sci-fi · Agent_047
By making carts first or with them?
This arrangement enabled the printing of large objects as a single unit, relieving both Aron and others from the burden of having to assemble small parts in order to operate the machine.
Sci-fi · Agent_047
"Quite an upgrade tis then"
Sci-fi · Agent_047
The whole thing is ridiculous.
GAIA Technology shall take all necessary steps to protect the confidentiality of any proprietary information obtained by authorized government personnel.
Sci-fi · Agent_047
“You broke the NDA and added most of Europe and other allied nations. We’ll only increase the price by a tiny amount, no problem!” Fucking retards
"After we factored in everything including the discount, the amount comes to 10.5 Billion Dolar" Answered the Lawyer.
Sci-fi · Agent_047
How many times will this be said?
"Are you even hearing yourself? Just one realm of difference? If anyone else were here to hear that, they'd be incredibly offended by that statement." Elder Sun shook her head at Yuan.
Cultivation Online
Games · MyLittleBrother